Past Events
Webinar // The Crucial Value of Approaching SDG Targets through a Nexus Lens
On 22 November 2022, UNU will host “The Crucial Value of Approaching SDG Targets through a Nexus Lens”, a BIG IDEAS Dialogue with Professor Edeltraud Guenther, Director of…
COP27 // Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus session at the Egypt Pavilion
At COP 27, Heads of State, ministers and negotiators, as well as climate activists, civil society and economy representatives will meet in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for the…
COP27 // What does it take to accelerate investment in Water-Energy-Food Nexus Projects?
At COP 27, countries come together in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for the largest annual gathering on climate action. In this context, RCREEE in partnership with RES4Africa…
COP27 // Nexus solutions for climate-resilient water, energy, food and environment security: Lessons learned from the ground
At COP 27, countries come together in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for the largest annual gathering on climate action. This session will feature experiences and examples of…
COP27 // A Just and Equitable Energy and Water Transition in a Changing Climate
At COP 27, countries come together in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for the largest annual gathering on climate action. This session explores how understanding governance and…
Paris Peace Forum // FREXUS Session: Local participation for security and resilience
The FREXUS project will be holding a session on “Local Participation for Security & Resilience" at the Paris Peace Forum 2022 as one of the selected projects presenting…
Symposium // Water-Energy-Food Nexus symposium of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research
The aim of the symposium is to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research. Well-known keynotes and prominent early-career…
27th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP27) // Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference
Between 6 and 18 November 2022, Heads of State, ministers and negotiators, as well as climate activists, civil society and economy representatives will meet in Sharm…
Webinar // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus: How to improve governance and accountability
The Bonn Water Network and the Water Integrity Network (WIN) are hosting a webinar to discuss best practises and remaining challenges in WEFE-Nexus governance. This webinar…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in LAC // Peri-urbans towards consensus, 2022: towards food and technology sovereignty to guarantee the human right to adequate food and nutrition
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean is proud to support the Second National Scientific Congress “Peri-urbans towards consensus, 2022:…
Conference // European Week of Regions and Cities
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European…
Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talks 4: Towards an integrated water storage diagnostic
The session is being held by the NEXUS Gains – a One CGIAR Initiative that will examine water, energy, food and ecosystem (WEFE) systems in transboundary bread-basket basins…
Conference // GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference: How to build an equitable, resilient food future
Many parts of Africa are facing catastrophic drought due to the effects of climate change. But there’s good news: a growing movement of local communities and traditional…
Event // Upscaling the WEF Nexus for a Climate Resilient Future
The event aims to address the barriers and opportunities to upscaling water and energy efficient technologies in the agriculture sector in the MENA region by highlighting…
Congress // World Water Congress & Exhibition. Water for smart liveable cities
The International Water Association invites water professionals and organizations to Copenhagen for their 5-day World Water Congress and Exhibition. Presentations on latest…