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يمكنك أيضًا المساهمة في أخبار الترابط بين أمن المياه والطاقة والغذاء بمواردك.
Job Vacancy // Agrivoltaics and Energy-Water-Land Nexus - Researcher III
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Strategic Energy Analysis Center is seeking a Researcher who is familiar with agrivoltaic systems…
Job Vacancy // Open Rank Professor in Food, Water, Energy Nexus
Northeastern University’s College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD) invites applications for open-rank, tenured or tenure-track positions in the…
Vacancy// Director, Freshwater & Food Transformation at WWF in Washington, DC
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the world’s leading conservation organizations, seeks a Director for the Freshwater & Food Transformation team. The…
Nexus Blog // Solving Shared Problems at the Food, Energy, and Water Nexus
By Jie Zhuang, Frank Löffler, Gary Sayler, Guirui Yu, and Guibin Jiang. A 15-year-old partnership among Chinese and U.S. scientists studying…
Vacancy // Food-Energy-Water-Systems Research Experience for Undergraduates
Prairie View A&M University and The University of Texas at Austin is calling for undergraduates majoring in Agriculture, Chemical, Civil or…
Vacancy // Postdoctoral Research Associate (Modeling the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on the Food-Energy-Water)
Cornell University's Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering in Ithaca, New York is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate…
Nexus Blog // A Glimpse of the Disparity in Food, Energy, and Clean Water in Canada
The interlinks between food, energy, and water exist globally, but Northern Canada provides a great opportunity to create innovations that can…
Vacancy // Post-doctoral Position in Water-Food-Energy Nexus at Prairie View A&M University
The postdoc fellow will join an interdisciplinary program in water-energy-food nexus that aims to develop innovative approaches to sustainability…
Nexus Blog // Finding the Nexus Between Water, Energy and Food in the Arctic
The Sustainable Development Working Group of the Arctic Council will launch the first water, energy and food nexus study in the Arctic. The project…
Vacancy // Assistant or Associate Professor in Understanding Land-Water-Energy Systems using Machine Learning and Data Analytics
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences through the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI) at The Pennsylvania State University,…
Internship // Food-Energy-Water Systems Analysis (Year-round) Graduate Student Intern
A graduate student internship position is available in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL; U.S. Department of Energy) Strategic Energy…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the US // How Farms Can Tend to the Energy-water Nexus, Reduce Costs and Help Their Communities
By Kate Zerrenner (EDF) and Dylan Dupre (CalCom Energy). Across the US, farmers face unrelenting pressure to conserve both water and energy. From…
Texas // Understanding a Water, Energy, and Food Hotspot in San Antonio, Texas
By Bassel Daher. San Antonio, Texas, is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. The region surrounding the city includes major areas…
The New York Times // The $3 Billion Plan to Turn Hoover Dam Into a Giant Battery
By Ivan Penn. The Hoover Dam is now the focus of a distinctly 21st-century challenge: turning the dam into a vast reservoir of excess electricity,…
Water-Energy Nexus // How a 300-year-old City is Leading on US Solar, Energy-water, and Climate Action
By Kate Zerrenner and Jaclyn Rambarran. San Antonio is a unique place that should be honored in Texas and beyond. In addition to its strong Hispanic…
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