البقاء على اطلاع على آخر الأخبار من فريق الترابط! اقرأ كل شيء عن أنشطة مشاريعنا، والفعاليات التي تم حضورها، والدورات التدريبية، وحوارات السياسات، وغير ذلك الكثير.
يمكنك أيضًا المساهمة في أخبار الترابط بين أمن المياه والطاقة والغذاء بمواردك.
News // Water and (in-)security in Afghanistan as the Taliban take over
By the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) team The takeover by the Taliban not only affects people’s immediate lives and security, but will also have…
News // How water shortages are brewing wars
By Sandy Milne. Unprecedented levels of dam building and water extraction by nations on great rivers are leaving countries further downstream…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Водно-энергетическое сотрудничество в бассейне реки Амударья
Энергетической и водной проблематике придается приоритетное значение в государственной политике и дипломатии Туркменистана, который тесно…
News // Research shifts policy from energy subsidy to water savings in Uzbekistan's irrigated heartland
In Uzbekistan, most agricultural land is irrigated with water pumped from two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. This pumping consumes 20% of…
News // Six key principles for improving agricultural water productivity
By Stefan Uhlenbrook, Winston Yu, Nicola Lamaddalena and Sasha Koo-Oshima. Water resources are being placed under an unprecedented amount of stress…
News // South Africa aims to mobilise US$10mn from GCF to address climate change and land degradation
The process to develop a Concept Note for South Africa to mobilise US$10 million from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) kicked-off on June7, 2021, led by…
Nexus Blog // UNECE launches methodology to evaluate the sustainability of infrastructure projects and guidelines on Waste-to-Energy projects for the circular economy
As countries all over the world aim at ‘building back better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic, the recently-launched UNECE People-first PPP Evaluation…
Nexus Event Report // Resource Nexus Policy & Cluster Workshop in Brussels
On the 27 November, the Resource Nexus Policy & Cluster Workshop kicked off with 60 participants present at EASME premises in Brussels. Various Nexus…
Nexus in South Asia // The Water, Food and Energy Nexus in Pakistan
By Dr Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi. The country needs a dynamic Nexus framework that attempts to equally weight sectoral objectives and provide a new paradigm…
Penn State // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Workshop held in Nigeria
By Nathan Rufo. More than 60 representatives from Penn State and multiple African institutions and governments came together around the intersection…
Nexus in MENA // Iraq Energy Institute Launches Task Force on the Future of Iraq's Water Resources
The Iraq Energy Institute (IEI) formed a task force on the future of Iraq’s water resources. The initiative was a result of a workshop entitled…
SDGs // Sustainable Development in the European Union — A Statistical Glance from the Viewpoint of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This new publication builds on Eurostat’s long experience in monitoring the EU Sustainable Development Strategy. It provides a statistical glance at…
Nexuses of the Urban // Interactions between Water, Energy and Food Provision for Sustainable Cities
Cities are dynamically connected with other urban and rural localities, both distant and proximate. Most critically perhaps, cities rely on an…
Bonn2011 Nexus Conference // Bonn2011 Conference Synopsis
The Conference Synopsis, which was produced by OOSKAnews, is an easy-to-read document summarizing the highlights of the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference,…
Bonn2011 Nexus Conference // Policy Recommendations
The Policy Recommendations are the result of a broad participatory stakeholder process which started during the preparation for the Bonn2011 Nexus…
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