اكتشف كيف يمكن للترابط بين أمن المياه والطاقة والغذاء أن يُحْدث تحولاً في العالم!
كن جزءًا من عالم الترابط وساهم بموردك.
تخضع منصة موارد الترابط للتطوير الاستراتيجي والفني المستمرين.
Nexus Blog // Seminario virtual Planificación de las inversiones públicas con enfoque Nexo Agua-Energía-Alimentación
La División de Recursos Naturales de la CEPAL, en colaboración con el ILPES y la GIZ, presentó ante la Red de Sistemas Nacionales de Inversión…
Nexus Blog // Online Event on Public Investment Planning with a Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Approach
The Natural Resources Division of ECLAC, in collaboration with ILPES and GIZ, presented a methodological guide for the adoption of the WEF Nexus…
Conference // International conference on climate nexus perspectives: water, food and biodiversity
The first International Conference dedicated to the topic of "Climate Nexus Perspectives: Water, Food and Biodiversity", organized by the Khenifra…
Foro Virtual Nexo Regional // Marcos Normativos e Institucionales para el Nexo
¿Cómo puede el enfoque Nexo contribuir a desarrollar los marcos normativos e institucionales necesarios para implementar una perspectiva de Nexo…
Nexus Conference Bolivia // El Foro Nexus Rumbo al 2025
On October 1st 2019, the “Foro Nexo Rumbo al 2025” takes place at the Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo” in La Paz, Bolivia. The focus of the…
Documentation Kick Off Meeting // The Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)
Researchers and project partners from the 15 projects funded in the JPI Urban Europe and Belmont Forum joint call “Sustainable urbanization global…
Summary Report // IAE Workshop 'Addressing the Energy-Water Nexus through R&D Planning and Policies'
On 28-29 May 2018 Delegates to the International Energy Agency Experts’ Group on R&D Priority Setting (EGRD) held a workshop to gain further…
Report // State of the Nexus Approach 2015
Conference Report of the Dresden Nexus Conference 2015
Programme // 2014 World Water Week Programme
World Water Week is organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and takes place in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been the annual…
Programme // Programme of the World Water Week 2012 - Water and Food Security
Full programme
Draft Agenda // International Water Stewardship Standard
The AWS International Water Stewardship Standard (the Standard) is designed to be an international, ISEAL-compliant, standard that defines a set of…
Draft Agenda // IISD <<-->> GWSP Conference on the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus
1-4 May 2012 Inn at the Forks, Winnipeg, Manitoba
كن جزءًا من عالم الترابط وساهم بموردك
نهيب بنشطاء الترابط للانخراط والمساهمة في مركز معارف الترابط. املأ هذا النموذج، وحمِّل مقالك، وخصص العلامات المناسبة. شكرًا جزيلاً على المساهمة في مركز المعارف ونشر موارد الترابط.