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تخضع منصة موارد الترابط للتطوير الاستراتيجي والفني المستمرين.
Slides // Findings on the climate change impact on flood discharge on the Sava river and preliminary identification of adaptation measures
by Mitja Brilly, University of Ljubljana, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR)…
Slides // Water and Climate Adaptation Plan (WATCAP) for Sava River Basin
by Jasna Plavsic, COWI, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th, 2014
Slides // Activities on Flood Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Sava River Basin
by Vasiljka Kolarov, International Sava River Basin Commission, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River…
Slides // Climate Change Predictions for the Sava River Basin
by Jasna Plavsic, COWI, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th, 2014
Slides // Agriculture and Water Management
by N.N., Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (Serbia) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Foresty (Bosnia and…
Slides // Climate Change Influence on Agriculture - Planning and Strategic Documents in Republic of Croatia
by N.N., Republic of Croatia, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th,…
Slides // Developments inthe Sava river basin relevant from the nexus viewpoint relevant from the nexus viewpoint
by Dejan Komatina, International Sava River Basin Commission, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River…
Slides // Scientific Support to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the Danube Water Nexus project
by Giovanni Bidoglio, European Commission, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR)…
Slides // Danube Water Nexus - case study Sava
by several presenters from the European Commission and the Utrecht University at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the…
Slides // Energy Sector of Montenegro - Strategic Goals
by Miroslav Miroslav Markovic, Montenegrin Electric Enterprise (EPCG), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava…
Slides // A multi purpose Sava river project: Hydropower, drought and flood Hydropower, drought and flood management approach
by ogdan Barbic, Hidroelektrarne na spodnji Savi (Slovenia), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin…
Slides // B&H : Strategic orientation in energy sector
by Tarik Kupusović at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th, 2014
Slides // Macro-economic modeling in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus
by Franziska Schuenemann, University of Hohenheim, held in December 2014
Slides // An introduction to the concept of the Food-Energy-Water Security Nexus
by Stefan Meyer, International Food Policy Research Institute, on Nov 4th, 2014
Slides // Water Management in Serbia
by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (Serbia), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava…
كن جزءًا من عالم الترابط وساهم بموردك
نهيب بنشطاء الترابط للانخراط والمساهمة في مركز معارف الترابط. املأ هذا النموذج، وحمِّل مقالك، وخصص العلامات المناسبة. شكرًا جزيلاً على المساهمة في مركز المعارف ونشر موارد الترابط.