event ٠٧ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦

Project // Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries (DAFNE)

DAFNE is a four-year project (2016 - 2020) funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action category. This project is being carried out in the Zambezi and the Omo river basins in Africa. It investigates how water and food are managed in these areas and explores options for sustainable and integrated management in the future together with stakeholders.

Logo dafne

What are the goals of DAFNE?

DAFNE’s central objective is to develop a Decision-Analytic Framework (DAF) that can be used to support the quantitative assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of expanding energy and food production in complex physical and political contexts where natural and social processes are strongly interconnected and the institutional setting involves multiple stakeholders and decision-makers. Moreover, the DAF will integrate a novel participatory and multi-disciplinary perspective while working with private and public stakeholders in order to:

  • develop a better understanding of the WEF (Water-Energy-Food) nexus in the Omo and Zambezi river basins;
  • generate and explore alternative planning and management solutions focused on the WEF nexus;
  • contribute to solutions that foster profitable but equitable use of resources without infringing on environmental limits, and minimize and mitigate societal and stakeholder conflicts.

Project Period

September 2016 - October 2020


  • Project flyer
  • Project fact sheet
  • Policy Brief (This document provides a high-level overview of the DAFNE approach presenting the key lessons learned during the project for decision makers.)
  • Approach Factsheet (This document illustrates the general workflow of the DAFNE approach and its main components at a deeper level of detail for experts in the field and the interested public.)
  • Tools Factsheet (This document presents in detail the knowledge visualization tools for multi-stakeholder decision support processes developed by DAFNE)


Paolo Burlando
DAFNE coordinator

Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
ETH Zurich
Institute of Environmental Engineering, HIL D22.3
5 Stefano Franscini-Platz
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland

e-mail: paolo.burlando@ethz.ch; dafne@eipcm.org

Additional Information on DAFNE

Further Reading

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