Video // A Water Secure Future for All
Water is a vital resource. Access to water and sanitation are human rights. Yet, more than 2 billion people lack access to clean drinking water and…
Water Supply in Southeast Asia // "Water is life, contaminated water might mean death"
By Ruth Erlbeck. 2.1 billion (3 in 10) people worldwide lack access to safe, readily available water, 4.5 billion (6 in 10) people worldwide lack…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 6: Acceleration of the winning startups of the WEF Nexus bootcamp: SAVIP
Created in 2020, “Service d'Assainissement et de Ville Propre” (SAVIP) is an initiative started by of Ngarnang Djekourbouayom, a young entrepreneur…
Article // Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 3 – Is water governance coming of age?
By Alan Nicol, Strategic Program Director – Water Growth and Inclusion, IWMI and Diana Suhardiman, Research Group Lead Governance and Inclusion /…
Projet Frexus // Nettoyage du canal d'amenée d'eau de la mare de Koboro dans la commune de Soboundou
Le projet Frexus, en partenariat avec l'ONG ODI-Sahel, entreprend actuellement un projet de dragage du canal près du point d'eau de Koboro afin…
Report // Water-Energy Nexus: Excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016
This excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016 looks at the critical interplay between water and energy, with an emphasis on the stress points that…
Publication // The water-energy-food nexus at home: New opportunities for policy
By Foden, M., Browne, A. L., Evans, D. M., Sharp, L., & Watson, M. (2019). This paper introduces the “Nexus at Home” as a starting point for…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'articles n°3: La startup gagnante termine son cours d'immersion
Le gagnant du Bootcamp du Programme d’accélération des startups NEXUS Eau-Energie-Sécurité Alimentaire (EESA), Zakari Idrissa Abdou, promoteur de…
Call for Offers // DEADLINE EXTENDED-Call: Construction of 3 wetlands to treat the water coming out from Wadi Al-Arroub Wastewater Treatment Plant and 3 solar systems to provide energy for the irrigation pumping systems in 3 farms
Global Water Partnership - Mediteranean has extended the deadline for the Call for Offers within the framework of the Project: MENA Water Matchmaker…
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean // Priority Interconnections
By Antonio Embid Irujo and Liber Martin. This paper analyses the water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean. By briefly…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°6: Accélération des startups lauréates du bootcamp Nexus EESA: SAVIP
Créé en 2020, le Service d’Assainissement et de Ville Propre (SAVIP) est une initiative de Ngarnang DJEKOURBOUAYOM, un jeune entrepreneur tchadien,…
Article // Thinking Hydrologically - An Interview with Oyture Anarbekov, IWMI Country Manager – Uzbekistan
By Clara Colton Symmes, Princeton in Asia Fellow, IWMI. Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production,…
Research article // Wastewater resources management for energy recovery from circular economy perspective
By Mohanna Zarei. This article provides an overview of wastewater treatment and management for energy production from a circular economy point of…
Publication // The water-energy-food nexus and COVID-19: Towards a systematization of impacts and responses
By Mohammad Al-Saidi and Hussam Hussein. The COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to examine the impacts of system-wide crises on key supply…
Frexus Project // Cleaning of the water supply canal of the Koboro pond in the commune of Soboundou
The Frexus project, in partnership with NGO ODI-Sahel, is currently undertaking a canal dredging project near the Koboro waterhole to enhance…