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Ресурсная платформа Нексус постоянно совершенствуется в стратегическом и техническом отношении.
Case Study // Modeling the water-energy nexus: how do water constraints affect energy planning in South Africa?
By the World Bank. This research focuses on incorporating a representation of water supply and infrastructure costs into an energy systems model…
Case Study // Del Monte Philippines harvests energy from food process water
A waste-to-energy project undertaken by the world's largest integrated pineapple operation, Del Monte Philippines Inc. (DMPI), has exceeded even the…
Transboundary Basins // Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Sava River Basin
By UNECE. The Sava nexus assessment identifies a number of benefits both related to and independent of economic activities that are generated by…
Case Study // Water-energy-food nexus in a transboundary context: the Euphrates–Tigris river basin as a case study
By Aysegül Kibaroglu and Sezin Iba Gürsoy. The interlinkage between water, energy and food security and its transboundary relevance is becoming…
A nexus perspective on competing land demands: Wider lessons from a UK policy case study
As nations develop policies for low-carbon transitions, conflicts with existing policies and planning tools are leading to competing demands for land…
Project // Enhancing institutional arrangements for integrated water, energy and food security in Kenya
In Kenya, land and water are increasingly becoming scarce as industries grow.
Policy Brief // Applying the nexus - meeting Ethiopia's development goals by addressing links between water, energy and food
This policy brief reports on one of the first times that a nexus approach has been applied on the ground.
Case Study // Lille Metropole, France. Waste to fuel: biogas powered buses in Lille Metropole
A pioneer in sustainable development and renewable energies, the City has achieved seemingly unrelated policy objectives through the adoption of an…
Case Study // Tianjin, Eco-City, China. A bilateral institutional NEXUS for cutting-edge sustainable metropolitan development
The Eco-City aims not only to offer the highest social, economic and environmental quality of life to its residents, but also to serve as a hub for…
Case Study // Medellin, Colombia. The Integral Urban Development Project: fighting crime with urban interventions
The Integral Urban Project identified strategic areas of the non-consolidated communes of the city and transformed them through an "urban…
Case Study // eThekwini, South Africa. NEXUS opportunities at the Mariannhill Landfill Conservancy Plant
The Mariannhill Landfill Conservancy represents a unique case of successfully integrated synergies between seemingly incompatible and pressing…
Case Study // Nashik, India. Demonstrating the Urban NEXUS approach to optimize water, energy and land resources in peri-urban agriculture
The pilot projects focused on the management and optimized utilization of energy and groundwater to limit the impacts of constrained resources on…
Case Study // Vancouver, Canada. Targeting NEXUS food security: Vancouver's Regional Food System Strategy
The Vancouver Regional Food System Strategy seeks to address the challenges of contemporary global food systems, through a multi-pronged strategy.
Case Study // Hannover, Germany. Kronsberg District: scaling up integrated planning with KUKA
Today, the District of Kronsberg provides a unique example of how scaling up technologies and behavioral changes through consequent integrated…
Case Study // Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Demonstrating the Urban NEXUS approach to link water, energy and food resources in schools
The Urban NEXUS pilot project harnessed opportunities to link water and sanitation, energy, food and waste, solutions which would have otherwise been…
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