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Ресурсная платформа Нексус постоянно совершенствуется в стратегическом и техническом отношении.
Article // Alternative water resources and the illusion of control
This article originally appeared on the MAGIC Nexus website (https://magic-nexus.eu/) and has been reposted here with their friendly permission. By…
Article // The power of best practice WEF Nexus cases
This article was originally published on the IUCN website (iucn.org) and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. It deals with the…
Case study // Solving water problems or creating a new one?
This article was originally published by MAGIC Nexus (magic-nexus.eu) and has been re-published here with ther friendly permission. It gives on…
Policy Brief // Understanding the water-energy-food nexus in a warming climate
This article was originally published by Carbon Brief (carbonbrief.org) and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. By: Prof…
Nexus Blog // Saving Water in Irrigation
By A. Vargas, R.J. Hogeboom & J.F. Schyns. This study aims to assess the consistency of a number of innovations that influence water savings in…
Nexus Virtual Forum // Solar Powered Irrigation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
The event revealed how the WEF Nexus approach sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable usage of SPIS and how it can help to…
Nexus Publication // Increasing Returns on Investment Opportunities by applying a Nexus Approach: Best practice Nexus Case Studies
By Dalton, James; Welling, Rebecca; Meyer, Kristin; Lindelien, Maria Carreño; Riddell, P. J.. This new publication by IUCN, Regional Office for…
WEF Nexus Publication // Applying the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach to Catalyse Transformational Change in Africa
RES4Africa Foundation’s new study carried out in collaboration with Open Economics, looks at a WEF nexus project in rural Tanzania integrating…
Blog // What can Transdisciplinarity give back to Communities?
This article presents a research project conducted by the STEPS Centre, using the WEFE Nexus as a conceptual tool for transdisciplinary engagement…
Nexus Blog // The Internet of Things as a Key Enabler for Quantifying the Water, Energy and Food Nexus
By Harris Moysiadis. This article explores how the Internet of Things concept could facilitate the implementation of the water, energy and food…
Informing Regional Water-Energy-Food Nexus with System Analysis and Interactive Visualization // A Case Study in the Great Ruaha River of Tanzania
In sub-Saharan Africa, water resources are scarce and subject to competing uses – especially for agricultural production, energy generation, and…
Case Study Thailand // How Chiang Mai’s Wastewater Utility is Building Capacity on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions to reduce its Carbon Footprint.
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus approach supports the transition towards a more sustainable and…
Case Study Peru // Planning locally, impacting globally – How Water and Wastewater Utilities in Peru are Facing Climate Change
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…
Case Study Mexico // How Guanajuato’s Water and Wastewater Utilities are tackling Climate Change through Efficiency Optimization and Renewable Energy Production
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…
Case Study Jordan // How Madaba’s Water and Wastewater Utility is finding innovative Solutions to operational Burdens while reducing Carbon Emissions
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…
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