Webinar // Water – Energy – Food Security Nexus an approach for a regenerative Economy?
This seminar is hosted by ATB WATER GmbH, a German leading producer and supplier in the field of decentralised and semi-central wastewater treatment facilities and products. The webinar provides an introduction to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and is open to the public.
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 at 10:00 am (CET)
Short description
The Water Energy Food Security Nexus was triggered 2008 by the World Economic Forum, addressing the future need of the ‘absolute’ resource water and its impacts on energy and food production. The German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ mainstreamed the topic in 2011 by the high -level conference “The water, energy and food security nexus - solutions for a green economy” in Bonn, Germany.
Since then holistic WEF-Nexus approach gained attention and can be understood as the precursor for the SDG’s in 2015. Despite of their takeover in the global development and policies program the Nexus survived as a flexible approach addressing the core elements of modern human wellbeing: Water, Energy, Food.
The Nexus webinar addresses the shortage of the inevitably linked resources water, energy food and relates the approach to the SDG’s, Climate Change and Green Economy.
The webinar will be held in English.
Presenter / Moderator:
Dr. Gerhard Rappold (Freelancing Consultant) / Thomas Gester (ATB WATER)
Tuesday, 26. Jan 2021, 10:00 am (CET)
E-Mail: academy@atbwater.com
Website: Home | ATB WATER
Please register for the event here.