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Screenshot 2023 05 24 114731
event ١١ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢

Policy Paper // Sustainable Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems

Solar-powered irrigation systems have earned a reputation for contributing to multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a single technology.…

20221121 3
الخبر (مفرد)
event ٢١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Sixth meeting of the TWG for the transboundary demo project at Tuyamuyun hydroelectric complex

The sixth meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) established to implement the transboundary demo project at Tuyamuyun Hydroelectric Complex…

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event ١٥ يونيو ٢٠٢٣

Research Article // Water- food- energy- ecosystem nexus model development: Resource scarcity and regional development

By Masoumeh Bararzadeh Ledari, Yadollah Saboohi and Sara Azamian. The aim is to develop a practical method for analyzing the symbiosis of living…

الخبر (مفرد)
event ٢٥ فبراير ٢٠٢٢

Call for Offers // Call for Offers for the Development of an Annotated Outline of a Climate Adaptation Strategy for the Drina River Basin

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med), legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR…

event ٢٥ مايو ٢٠٢٠

Publication // Structure Dynamics and Risk Assessment of Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A Water Footprint Approach

By Zhang, P., Xu, Z., Fan, W., Ren, J., Liu, R., & Dong, X. (2019). This article looks at the water footprint of the WEF-Nexus in several arid areas,…

Sc drina meeting april 2022 1
الخبر (مفرد)
event ٠٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

News // Towards a cross-sectoral roadmap to improve cooperation in the management of natural resources in the Drina River Basin

The 3rd and final meeting of the Steering Committee for Nexus activities in the Drina River basin was held on May 4, 2022. On this occation, the…

Shutterstock torsten pursche
event ١٦ فبراير ٢٠٢٢

Training Material // Water Peace and Security E-Learning Module

Do you want to learn more about how water-related risks link to conflict and how such conflict can be prevented or mitigated? Take the Water, Peace,…

Richard saunders N5i BPJL85s U unsplash
event ٢٤ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠

Publication // Sustainable Groundwater Management in India Needs a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach

By Aditi Mukherji. The paper argues that solutions to India’s groundwater problems need to be embedded within the current context of its…

Llavona A 2020
event ٠٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٢

Publicación // Lecciones del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo: análisis del Plan Nacional de Cuencas, el Sistema Múltiple Misicuni y las políticas de riego

By Llavona, Alba. En los últimos diez años, se ha producido gran cantidad de material científico en torno al Nexo aguaenergía-alimentación. Estos…

20230102 1
event ٠٢ يناير ٢٠٢٣

Conference Paper // Forecasting the water consumption of hydroelectricity power plants in the context of the Water Energy Nexus based on an artificial intelligence approach

By Cigdem Coskun Dilcan and Merih Aydinalp Koksal. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the nonlinear relationship between the water…

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event ٠٦ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٣

Research Article // Sustainability attributes from the water-energy-food nexus: An application to livestock systems in the Brazilian Pampa biome

By Joao Garibaldi Almeida Viana and colleagues. The water-energy-food nexus (WEF Nexus) is a research issue still in progress, especially in…

RBO session cover picture
الخبر (مفرد)
event ٠١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١

Nexus Blog // Overview of the COP26 session: Water, climate, and borders: The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience

In the first ever Water Pavilion at the Climate Conference COP26 on November 12, 2021, the GIZ alongside UNECE Secretariat of the Water Convention,…

1 s2 0 S0378377422002402 ga1
event ١٣ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Understanding implications of climate change and socio-economic development for the water-energy-food Nexus: A meta-regression analysis

By Xinxueqi Han and colleagues. Based on meta-regression approaches, this study quantifies the changes in food, energy production and water…

الخبر (مفرد)
event ١٧ يناير ٢٠٢٢


ЦЕНТРАЛЬНАЯ АЗИЯ – Третье заседание технической рабочей группы, созданной в рамках проекта Европейского Союза (ЕС) «Нексус Диалог в Центральной Азии»…

الخبر (مفرد)
event ٢٣ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٢

Nexus Regional Dialogues Southern Africa // 10th SADC Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue opens with clarion call for integrated investments in water, energy and food security

The Southern African Development Community-SADC-Member States have been urged use of an integrated approach to solving water, energy and food…

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