Water-resource management
Research Article // Unraveling the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus for Climate Change Adaptation in Iran: Urmia Lake Basin Case-Study
By Hossein Nasrollah, Rasool Shirazizadeh, Reza Shirmohammadi, Omid Pourali and Majid Amidpour. In this study, a complicated set of relations between…
Rapport // Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi
L'étude de base du bassin documente l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin tout en identifiant les forces,…
Presentation // How can water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus investments be an opportunity to finance transboundary water projects?
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), serviced by UNECE, organized the…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Niger Basin // The Niger Basin Authority adopts its first transboundary guidelines on Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus
On December 7, 2022, in the capital of Chad, N’Djamena, the Council of Ministers of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) adopted formal guidelines on the…
Research Article // Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Water, Food, and Energy Sectors in Sittaung River Basin, Myanmar
By Uttam Ghimire and colleagues. The Sittaung river basin remains one of the least studied basins of Myanmar in terms of the assessment of the…
Report // Summary of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi/Rusizi River Basin
The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…
Research Article // Ecological balance emerges in implementing the water-energy-food security nexus in well-developed countries in Africa
By Fabien Muhirwa and colleagues. This study recognizes the importance of ecological boundaries in the supply of WEF resources to meet the WEF…
Job posting // Postdoc Modelling groundwater use and crop production
Wageningen University & Research is offering a postdoc position (three years full time) in modelling groundwater use and crop production. The…
News // Empowering female farmers through improved access to water technologies
By Manohara Khadka, Country Representative – Nepal, IWMI. Solar irrigation technology has the potential to empower more than 12 million women farmers…
Report // Water–Energy–Food Security–Ecosystems in Africa
By the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. This report presents the findings, conclusions and…
Nexus Blog // La DDC supporte une gestion durable de l'eau et des pâturages en Éthiopie
Les sécheresses, le manque de fourrage et les conflits autour des ressources naturelles rendent la vie difficile aux éleveurs de bétail du sud de…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Support for the application of the WEFE Nexus approach in Central Asia continues to expand
The Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), the European Union's Project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” and the USAID Regional…
Research Article // Agricultural Water Security under Climate Change in the Iberian Peninsula
By André Fonseca and colleagues. This study presents an analysis and discussion of climate change impacts on water and agricultural sectors in the…
Research Article // The impact of water conservation policies on the reallocation of agricultural water-land resources
By Hadis Kavand and colleagues. The present research explored the effects of water resources conservation policies on optimal cropping pattern and…
Study Guide // Thirst for Power
This study guide works with the documentary adapted from Dr. Michael E. Webber’s book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival. Combining…