The Oxford Handbook of Food, Water and Society
Edited by Tony Allan, Brendan Bromwich, Anthony Colman, and Martin Keulertz. This book considers the interconnected issues of real water in the…
Research Article // Stress-testing development pathways under a changing climate: water-energy-food security in the lake Malawi-Shire river system
By Ajay G. Bhave, Declan Conway, Suraje Dessai, Andrew J. Dougill and David Mkwambisi. This study explores the different dimensions of WEF security…
Nexus Blog // Faire face aux risques complexes - sur la “ROAD” de la planification durable des ressources en Afrique de l'Ouest
Début mai, un webinaire a été organisé à l'intention des partenaires des projets ‘Dialogue régional Nexus dans le bassin du Niger’, ‘Améliorer la…
Publication // Water, Energy and Food Supply Security in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries—A Risk Perspective
by Mohammad Al-Saidi and Sally Saliba (2019). This paper proposes a view of the water, energy and food resource supply security based on the systems’…
News // The secret to effective stakeholder engagement for applied Nexus solutions
Why is stakeholder engagement a crucial ingredient for the success of Horizon projects, and in particular those that focus on the Water-Energy-Food…
News // Mapping tool helps private sector identify high-potential locations for solar irrigation pumps
By Mansoor Leh. As climate change threatens to exacerbate water scarcity and food insecurity in many parts of Africa, solar water pumps combined with…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N°13, August 2022
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Research Article // An assessment of strategies for sustainability priority challenges in Jordan using a water–energy–food Nexus approach
By Camilo Ramirez and colleagues. This study aimed at supporting robust decision-making for planning and management of water–energy–food Nexus…
Research Article // Assessment of Urban Water-Energy Interactions and Heat Island Signatures in Rhode Island
By Fabian Wagner and colleagues. In this study, an Urban-Water-Energy (UWE)-Nexus approach is emplyed to understand water and energy demand and their…
News // How to Make Cities Resilient With the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
By Cornelia Forsthuber. While the case for the FWE nexus concept is relatively clear to make in a theoretical, academic context, translating it to…
Research Article // Climate change impacts on the water, food and energy sectors in Myanmar’s Sittaung river basin
By Uttam Ghimire and colleagues. The Sittaung river basin (SRB) remains one of the least studied basins of Myanmar in terms of the assessment of the…
Research Article // Overcoming Resource Nexus Conflicts With a Normative-Institutional Approach: A Case Study of Brazil
By Priscila Carvalho and Catalina Spataru. This study proposes a normative-institutional approach to assess the Water-Energy Nexus that offers a…
Research Article // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Beyond “Technical Quick Fix”: The Case of Hydro-Development in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
By Detlef Müller-Mahn and colleagues. The paper calls for a broadening of WEF nexus perspectives in order to better acknowledge the social complexity…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 17, June 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности через повышение эффективности работы насосных станций в Согдийской области Таджикистана
Часть страны расположена на высоте более 3000 метров над уровнем моря. В связи с этим более 50% орошаемых земель Таджикистана расположены в зонах…