Conference // Nature-based Solutions in a Changing Climate 2022
This conference is bringing together leading researchers from the social and natural sciences, engineering and economics with policymakers, civil…
Webinar // Nexus Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems approach: An adaptation Strategy to cope with climate change
The Nexus4AFRICA webinar organized by PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) highlights the role of the WEFE Nexus…
Dresden Nexus Conference 2022 // Enhancing Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus across rivers of lake Kivu basin.
DNC2022 Event. Jean Paul Kubwimana will be speaking on behalf of the Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) about the project promoting climate…
Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development 2022 // Building resilience to climate-security risks in the Sahel: Insights from research and practices
The 2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development is held under the motto “From a Human Security Crisis Towards an Environment of Peace”. Coinciding,…
Sustainable Energy for All Forum // Session on Leveraging the Sahel’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus
The 2022 SEforALL Forum is the landmark global gathering bringing people together serving as a platform for exchange towards realizing SDG7 and a…
Conference // International conference on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in cities
On 12 May 2022, during the world horticulture expo Floriade 2022, Closer Cities organizes a WEF-Nexus expert meeting in close collaboration with a…
Conference // International conference on water energy food and sustainability
The International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2022), taking place in Portalegre (May 10-12, 2022), Portugal, aims…
Conference // Abu-Dhabi Sustainability Week
Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week is a collection of events, tailored for different global audiences and trends shaping the world’s sustainability…
Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice
Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you…
Webinar // Side Event: Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This webinar is taking place at the 5th African Regional Conference for…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series 2nd Round // Cooperation across borders and sectors
The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a useful framework for addressing complex transdisciplinary natural resource and environmental challenges in…
Online Conference // 6th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference
The 6th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference will take place on the theme “Accelerating Adaptation Action and Knowledge to Support…
Virtual event // UN Food Systems Summit
The United Nations Food Systems Summit will be a completely virtual event during the UN General Assembly High-level week. Through this people’s…
Virtual Forum // World Humanitarian Forum
Convened by the World Humanitarian Forum (WHF), the 2021 Forum will provide an invaluable opportunity for humanitarian leaders to join Heads of…
Conference // 5th Arab Water Forum
The 5th Arab Water Forum is convened by the Arab Water Council under the patronage of The United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Energy and…