Modelling and assessment
Report // Water-Energy Nexus: Excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016
This excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016 looks at the critical interplay between water and energy, with an emphasis on the stress points that…
Research Article // Evaluation of the Utilization Efficiency of Water Resources in China Based on ZSG-DEA: A Perspective of Water–Energy–Food Nexus
By Tianming Zhang and colleagues. As the simple models cannot study the correlation among the resources of the WEF nexus; the methods of WEF nexus…
Research Article // Incorporating nitrogen in the water-energy-food nexus: An optimization approach
By Reem Khattar and colleagues. This work emphasizes the potential role of nitrogen as a primary decision factor when addressing WEF security and…
Research Article // Conducting water-energy-food nexus studies: what, why, and how
By Ebrahim Farmandeh and colleagues. This study aimed to investigate the what, why, and how of conducting water-energy-food nexus (WEFN) studies.
Research Article // Examining Lebanon's Resilience Through a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Lens
By Bassel Daher, Silva Hamie, Konstantinos Pappas and Julie Roth. This study concludes that considering the case of Lebanon through a…
Call for Papers // International Workshop on “The Water-Energy-Food-Nexus: Implementation and Examples of Applications”
The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) has issued a call for papers for an international workshop on the WEF Nexus. The…
Nexus Blog // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources à la Semaine Mondiale de l'Eau 2021
Le 26 août 2021, le projet Frexus de la GIZ, en collaboration avec le gouvernement des Pays-Bas, l'IHE Delft Institute for Water Education et le…
Publication // Investigation and Assessment of the Management of Natural Resources in the State of California Using the Conceptual Framework of Water–Energy–Food Nexus
By Georgia Manou, Georgios Bariamis, Evangelos Baltas. This article identifies the interlinkages of water, energy and food in California and stresses…
Efficiency Type Index // Analysis of the current World Biofuel Production under a Water–Food–Energy Nexus Perspective
By Emanuele Moioli, Federico Salvati, Marco Chiesa, Rosa T. Siecha, Flavio Manenti, Francesco Laio, Maria Cristina Rulli. This paper assesses the…
Research Article // Synergies evaluation and influencing factors analysis of the water–energy–food nexus from symbiosis perspective: A case study in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region
By Yong Wang and colleagues. This study uses symbiosis theory, the evaluation index system of WEF nexus synergies for this study involved applying…
Report // Analysis of Water Reuse Potential for Irrigation in Lebanon
By Karim Eid-Sabbagh and colleagues. Wastewater treatment and reuse in agriculture can contribute to addressing the increasing water crisis in the…
Research Article // Resilience Analysis Framework for a Water–Energy–Food Nexus System Under Climate Change
By Alexandra E. Ioannou and Chriysi S. Laspidou. New approaches on natural resource policymaking need to be applied with the intention to provide…
Research Article // Water, Energy and Food Nexus: Policy Relevance and Challenges
By I. R. Orimoloye. The main focus of this study is to evaluate studies on water, energy, food nexus and how the nexus has been implemented over the…
White Paper // Building with Nature: a future proof strategy for coping with a changing and uncertain world
By Amrit Cado van der Lelya, Erik van Eekelend,Dorien, Honinghb, Jakolien Leendersb, Sadie McEvoya, Ellis Penninga, Marjolein Sterkc, Ilse Voskampc,…
Publication // Water, Energy and Food Nexus in Rice Production in Thailand
By Ngammuangtueng, P., Jakrawatana, N., Nilsalab, P., & Gheewala, S. H. (2019). This article examines the WEF Nexus resource flows in Thailand, by…