Governance (of the Nexus)
Conference // Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 - Part II
The second part of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 will take place virtually from September 7th - October 2nd 2020.
Conférence // Prévention et gestion des conflits liés à la gouvernance des ressources naturelles en Afrique de l’Ouest: défis et perspectives
Le Service civil pour la paix et le projet Frexus, tous deux mis en œuvre par la GIZ, organisent une conférence internationale sur le thème : «…
Conference // Prevention and Management of Conflicts linked to the Governance of Natural Resources in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
The Civil Peace Service and the Frexus project, both implemented by the GIZ, are organizing an international conference on the theme: “Prevention and…
Nexus Workshop // Promoting Urban Nexus in the MENA Region - A Side Event at Cairo Water Week 2019
The Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in the MENA region in collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS) conduct a workshop on Urban Nexus in…
Science Forum 2018 // Win More, Lose Less: Capturing Synergies Between SDGs Through Agricultural Research
The objective of SF18 is to identify substantial interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals (both positive and negative), the role of…
7th WaterLinks Forum // Solving Asia’s Urban Water Crisis: The WaterFood-Energy-Climate Change Nexus
This forum is designed to provide urban water managers and policy makers with insights on the interdependence of water, food, and energy in an…
Workshop at RGS 2018 // Adaptive Management and Governance of the Food-Energy-Water-Environment Nexus
This workshop session will begin with an overview of the common themes emerging from the papers presented in Adaptive management and governance of…
Session at RGS 2018 // The Role of Quantifying Material Flows in the Governance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
In recent years we have witnessed a growing interest in the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in both academia and policy highlighting the need to…
Session at RGS 2018 // Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Role of Blockchain Technologies
Ensuring good governance of Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus systems is pivotal, as these underpin human sustenance. A number of characteristics have…
Session at RGS 2018 // Multi-Aspectual Evaluation: An Integrative Approach to Nexus Policies
The complexity of contemporary global challenges at the nexus of water, food and energy supplies calls not only for creative solutions but also for…
Session at RGS 2018 // Who is Responsible for Integration? Responsibility in WEEF Nexus Governance
Integration is a both a goal and a challenge for nexus governance. Recent research on the implementation of policy instruments governing land use in…
Session at RGS 2018 // Decentralising the Governance of the Nexus: The Challenges of Politics and Power in Finding Workable Solutions to a Democratic Management of the Landscape
The Shire River Basin in Malawi is a landscape that brings the nexus of food, water and energy into sharp focus: the landscape generates 90% of the…
Session at RGS 2018 // Adaptive Management and Governance of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Water Resources East (WRE) is pioneering a long-term multi-sector water resources strategy for the East of England to provide a sustainable supply of…
SWWW 2018 Session // Creating Peace through the Water-Energy-Food and Security Nexus Perspective
In many regions, dwindling water and land resources endanger the livelihoods of the population. Often, poor land and water governance and management…
SWWW 2018 Session // Water and Security: Assessing Risks and Mitigation Options in Hotspots
Since ancient times, water has played a key role in security and conflict. This role is expected to increase, as pressures over water are growing due…