Research Article // Assessing the Nexus on Local Perspective: A Quali-Quantitative Framework for Water-Energy-Food Security Evaluation in Neglected Territories
By Rita de Cássia Santos de Souza, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, Michelle Bonatti & Stefan Sieber. This study presents a case study about a typical…
Video // Integrated Water Resources Management: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus
This video presents a Zoom lecture on Integrated Water Resources Management and the relations between water, energy, and food resources.
Call for Papers // ‘The Soil-Water-Atmosphere Nexus’ Thematic Issue in Environmental Earth Sciences
United Nations University-FLORES guest editors are looking for manuscripts to contribute to the thematic issue in Springer Nature's Environmental…
WEFE Nexus Publication // European Commission Position Paper on the WEFE Nexus and the SDGs
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) and European Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) have recently…
Job posting // Intern (m/f/d) for the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme
The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme at GIZ is looking for a full-time intern at its Eschborn office for six months, starting Ocotober 7, 2022.…
The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // Roadmap on integrated water resources management of Lake Kivu along the city of Goma
By Manassé Lwimo. The Lake Kivu and Rusizi/Ruzizi River Basin Authority (ABAKIR), with the technical support of GIZ and in partnership with the Mayor…
Research Article // Water allocation using system dynamic modelling in the aquaculture integrated with small-scale irrigation systems in Malawi
By Brighton Austin Chunga and colleagues. The agricultural sector is faced with numerous challenges including climate change and water scarcity in…