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277 SDGs
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event 05 июл. 2022

Programa Diálogo Regional Nexo para América Latina y el Caribe // Se realizó el Seminario “Iniciativa Nexo agua - energía - alimentación para la planificación territorial” organizado por INTA y GIZ.

En el marco de la estrategia de sensibilización y motivación de enfoques y perspectivas emergentes se organizó el Seminario “Iniciativa Nexo agua -…

event 25 апр. 2022

Research Article // The energy-water-food Nexus: Concept, challenges and prospects

By Ahangari Hassas Morteza & Taghizadegan Kalantari Navid. This study analysed different definitions and interpretations of the Nexus and examined…

Rwanda workshop pictures
event 03 янв. 2022

Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // GIZ Hosts Strategic Action Plan Stakeholder Kickoff Workshop for the sustainable management of the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River basin

This article presents the results and conclusions of the Stakeholder Kickoff Workshop for the development of a Strategic Action Plan for the Lake…

Bangladesh WEF Nexus
event 01 июл. 2021

Research article // Evaluating the Potential of a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach toward the Sustainable Development of Bangladesh

By Mohammad Nahidul Karim and Bassel Daher. In this study, a Water-Energy-Food system assessment tool was developed to investigate the trade-offs…

event 05 сент. 2022

Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'articles n° 2 : Présentation des participants

Suite au bootcamp de start-ups Nexus EESA qui a eu lieu en juin, les 5 finalistes entrent maintenant dans le programme d'accélération de 9 mois.…

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event 20 янв. 2023

Research Article // Securing Land and Water for Food Production through Sustainable Land Reform: A Nexus Planning Perspective

By Luxon Nhamo and colleagues. This study used a mixed research method, integrating both quantitative and qualitative data, to develop a framework to…

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event 16 апр. 2024

Research Article // A Sustainability Approach between the Water–Energy–Food Nexus and Clean Energy

By Gricelda Herrera-Franco and colleagues. This article aims to analyse the relationship between the WEF nexus and clean energy through a statistical…

SA Masterclass
event 17 июн. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Southern African Development Community WEF Nexus Masterclass

Over 70 participants joined the 3-day WEF Nexus Masterclass hosted by Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA). Capacity building and…

event 04 апр. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // EU supports integration of water-energy-food Nexus approach into educational curricula in Uzbekistan

TASHKENT, UZBEKISTAN – The European Union (EU) funded project "Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia" conducted the third training on 17-18 March in…

JRC IWA Publication
event 22 окт. 2021

Report // Implementing the Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystems Nexus and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Edited by C. Carmona-Moreno; E. Crestaz; Y. Cimmarrusti; F. Farinosi; M. Biedler; A. Amani; A. Mishra; A. Carmona-Gutierrez. The book's primary…

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event 30 апр. 2020

Article // Tackling agricultural water pollution - a 21st-century challenge

This article was originially published by Rural21 (rural21.com), an international journal for rural development, and has been re-published here with…

Workshop wefe nexus and sdgs
event 28 мая 2018

WEFE Nexus // SDGs Position Paper Workshop

The European Commission's Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) organised on 25-26 January 2018, in Brussels,…

Nexus Interview Series Intro EH
event 27 сент. 2022

Nexus Interview Series // Eleonora Hoffmann, Advisor Global Nexus Secretariat, Human Capacity Development

The interview series aims to provide a better picture of the people within the Nexus team and their perspectives on Water Energy Food Nexus…

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event 23 мар. 2023

Programa Diálogo Regional Nexo para América // II Diálogo Nexo “Agua - Energía - Seguridad Alimentaria”: Consolidando el escalamiento de un enfoque para potenciar acciones de uso eficiente y sostenible sobre los recursos hídricos y contribuir con los ODS

Se llevó a cabo el II Diálogo Nexo “Agua – Energía – Seguridad Alimentaria”, con la finalidad de promover la implementación de proyectos que…

event 04 нояб. 2021

Recording // Water Pavilion at COP26 - Day 3 Energy

This is the recording of the sessions that took place at the Water Pavilion at COP26 on Day 3. These sessions took place on November 3, 2021, and…

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Cecilia Vey

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