News // Hong Kong’s Water-Energy-Climate Synergies
By Robert C. Brears. The Hong Kong Drainage Services Department (DSD) is actively implementing a range of renewable energy initiatives to mitigate…
Frexus Project // Cleaning of the water supply canal of the Koboro pond in the commune of Soboundou
The Frexus project, in partnership with NGO ODI-Sahel, is currently undertaking a canal dredging project near the Koboro waterhole to enhance…
Blog Nexus // Aperçu de la séance de la COP26: L’eau, le climat et les frontières : Le rôle de la coopération entre les bassins fluviaux pour la résilience climatique
Dans le cadre du tout premier Pavillon eau de la Conférence sur le climat COP26, qui a eu lieu le 12 novembre 2021, la GIZ, en collaboration avec le…
Entrevista con Mirbel Alberto Epiquién Rivera // "Desde SUNASS Promovemos los Mecanismos de Retribución por Servicios Ecosistémicos"
En esta entrevista Mirbel Alberto Epiquién Rivera, Jefe de Gestión Ambiental y Servicios Ecosistémicos de la Empresa de Agua y Alcantarillado de Lima…
Commentary // Energy Has a Role to Play in Achieving Universal Access to Clean Water and Sanitation
By Molly A. Walton. The linkages between water and energy are increasingly recognised across businesses, governments and the public – and have been a…
Research Article // Human Right to Water and Sanitation: Water for All vs. Full Cost Recovery
By A. Sereno. This paper proposes solutions for water and sanitation companies to ensure human right to water and sanitation - avoiding water…