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124 Peace, security & conflict
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event 24 июн. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Promoting innovative partnerships and science-based solutions for water-energy-food security in Central Asia

DUSHANBE, 6 June 2022 – Decision makers, technical and academia professionals from five Central Asian countries discussed the experience to address…

Conceptual Framework Sahel Publication zef
event 01 июн. 2021

Publication // Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel

This regional synthesis report focuses on rural development, agricultural livelihoods and job creation in the Sahel region, providing up-to-date…

event 07 мар. 2023

Projet Frexus // 9e Forum Mondial de L'eau à Diamniadio, Dakar 2022

Le 9ème Forum Mondial de l’eau, qui s’est basé sur le thème « La sécurité de l'eau pour la paix et le développement », a pris place à Diamniadio,…

Fragility forum 1
event 07 апр. 2022

Le Forum Fragilité Biennal // Risques combinés de la fragilité et du changement climatique

Le Forum Fragilité de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu du 7 au 15 mars 2022 autour d'un thème central orienté vers " le développement et la paix en temps…

event 28 февр. 2020

Publication // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Sustainability in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) Basin

By Allam, M. M., & Eltahir, E. A. (2019). This paper presents a framework for optimal allocation of land and water resources in the upper Blue Nile…

event 21 сент. 2022

FREXUS// Cérémonie officielle de signature des accords sociaux sur les plans d’actions Nexus autour des aires de pâturage de Farrey et Karel Koissi

Dosso a abrité du 13 au 14 Septembre 2022, une cérémonie officielle de signature des accords sociaux sur les plans d’actions Nexus pour la…

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event 28 февр. 2024

Research Policy Paper // Promoting Peace Through Climate Resilient Food Security Initiatives

This SIPRI Research Policy Paper examines the interconnectedness of food insecurity, climate and environmental pressures, and violent conflict,…

Policy brief en
event 22 дек. 2021

Policy Brief // From forecast to prevention: Acting on resource-related conflict risks

Early warning tools keep improving in their ability to predict resource-related conflict. However, preventive action on water, food and energy…

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event 27 авг. 2021

News // Water and (in-)security in Afghanistan as the Taliban take over

By the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) team The takeover by the Taliban not only affects people’s immediate lives and security, but will also have…

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event 17 янв. 2019

Nexus Blog // Water-Migration Nexus and the Human Displacement Discourse

By Nidhi Nagabhatla. The author discusses the complex relationship between the WEF nexus and human migration – and its importance in relation to…

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event 08 февр. 2023

Projet Frexus // La cérémonie de signature de la convention locale de Bellen

Dans le cadre du projet Frexus, une convention sur la gestion des ressources naturelles a été signée au cours d’un atelier dans la Commune de Bellen,…

event 22 июн. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Newsletter issue No. 12, June 2022

The latest Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Newsletter is filled with insightful updates on promoting the WEF Nexus and its institutionalization.…

Niger Basin
event 25 мая 2021

Nexus Blog // Addressing complex risks - on the ROAD to sustainable resource planning in West Africa

At the beginning of May, a webinar took place for members of the two projects Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Niger Basin and Improving Climate…

IMG 0365
event 23 авг. 2022

Frexus Project // Atelier de validation de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits

Un atelier de validation du rapport de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits dans certaines zones du Delta du Niger en dressant…

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event 29 мар. 2023

Frexus Project // Natural resources related conflicts: Regional River Basin Organizations working towards sustainable solutions

From June 2021 to February 2023, the Frexus project has been facilitating a series of three technical workshop between the two Regional Bassin…

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Cecilia Vey

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