Peace, security & conflict
Frexus Project // Workshop for the mapping of animal corridors in the municipality of Bellen
In the municipality of Bellen in Mali, old animal crossing corridors are no longer usable due to the uncontrolled expansion of cultivation plots. A…
Research Article // Livelihood discourses at the water-energy-food-nexus in Victoria’s Coal Seam Gas (CSG) debate
By Elliot Clarke. This paper has applied a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to submissions made to the Victorian Inquiry into Unconventional Gas to…
Projet FREXUS // Trois municipalités s'engagent dans des activités futures dans la province du Kanem
La province du Kanem au Tchad est l'une des zones d'implantation du projet Frexus, cofinancé par l'Union européenne et le Ministère Fédéral Allemand…
Paper // Sustainable use of organic resources for bioenergy, food and water provision in rural Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper reviews use of organic resources in rural Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), impacts on household energy, and interactions with provision of food…
Frexus project // Reception ceremony for reforestation work in Tomi, Mali
The National Agency of the Great Green Wall of Mali has requested funding from the Frexus project in order to strengthen its technical and financial…
The Frexus project // A response to resource conflict in the Sahel region
This article highlights the Frexus project’s ambition to improve security and climate resilience within the Sahel region through the use of a global…
Publicación // Análisis comparativo de acciones con enfoque del Nexo Agua-Energía-Alimentación: lecciones aprendidas para los países de América Latina y el Caribe
By Bárbara A. Willaarts, Elisa Blanco, Alba Llavona and Diego Martínez. Este estudio constituye un esfuerzo para visibilizar y analizar políticas…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 17, June 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Policy Brief // Water, Peace and Security Mali Policy brief August 2019 by Wetlands International
Water infrastructure must be ‘conflict-sensitive’ and coordinated between ministries representative of all stakeholders if future escalation of…
Projet FREXUS // Cérémonie de remise de matériel aux radios communautaires au Mali et Tchad
Des cérémonies de remise de matériels ont été menées avec succès aux radios communautaires de Bellen dans le Gouvernorat de Segou au Mali et de Mao,…
Frexus Project // Three municipalities commit to future activities in the Kanem province
The Kanem province in Chad is one of the implementation areas of the Frexus project which is co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // SADC Champions Integrated Planning of Water, Food, and Energy Sectors for Accelerated Regional Development
The Nexus Dialogue in Mozambique has successfully been organised under the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) WEF Nexus Regional Dialogue…
Projet Frexus // Cérémonie de réception des travaux de reboisement à Tomi au Mali
L’Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille verte du Mali a sollicité un financement auprès du projet Frexus afin de renforcer ses capacités techniques…
Research Article // Opening the black box of water-energy-food Nexus system in China: Prospects for sustainable consumption and security
By Zhongwen Xu and Liming Yao. This study developed a WEF Nexus conceptual framework to narrow down the internal and external relationship within an…
Nexus Blog // Can the Water, Energy and Food Nexus approach prevent conflicts in a fragile context?
By Luca Ferrini and Lucia Benavides. This Blog post explores how stability and climate resilience in the Sahel region can be improved through the…