News // South Africa aims to mobilise US$10mn from GCF to address climate change and land degradation
The process to develop a Concept Note for South Africa to mobilise US$10 million from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) kicked-off on June7, 2021, led by…
Nexus Blog // "Eau, énergie et réflexion" - Lancement de la nouvelle série de webinaires du Dialogue Régionale Nationale (NRD)
Le programme de dialogues régionaux Nexus (NRD), financé conjointement par la Commission européenne et le ministère fédéral du développement…
Nexus Blog // “Water, Energy and Food for Thought” - Launch of NRDs new webinar series
The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme (NRD), jointly funded by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and…
Nexus Interview Series // Shamiso Kumbirai, SDG Water Investments Officer at Global Water Partnership Southern Africa
With this interview series, we aim to provide a better picture of the people working for the Nexus Dialogue Programme in the five regions Central…
Vacancy // Postdoctoral Researcher on Social Justice of Water, Energy and Food Governance in South Africa
The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join the research project…
Nexus Blog // WEF Nexus framework to strengthen coordination of water, energy, and food sectors in the SADC Region
The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) highlights the achievements, challenges and lessons derived from the first phase of the WEF…
Nexus Blog // First WEF-Nexus Winter School for Southern Africa to take place in July 2021
The first WEF Nexus Winter School or short course designed specifically for Southern Africa will take place from 26 - 30 July 2021 in Pretoria, South…
Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the 4th Executive Committee Meeting: Nexus Regional Dialogues Phase II
More than sixty participants from different regions and time-zones joined the virtual 4th Executive Committee Meeting of the Nexus Regional Dialogues…
Nexus News // Water and Energy Ministers Meeting approves the SADC WEF-Nexus Governance Framework developed by GWPSA
The SADC Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Governance Framework, that was developed by GWPSA, was approved in a joint meeting held by the Ministers…
Call for Nexus Research Proposals // Call with South Africa on Water-Energy-Food Nexus
This call marks the start of a new cooperation programme with the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) and falls under the Merian Fund.…
Nexus Game // Nexus Simulation at GEF meeting in Gaborone, Botswana
A session of the Nexus Game was held during the 5th Targeted Regional Workshop for Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW)…
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