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event 19 янв. 2021

Call for Tenders // Funding for Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) for data collection on energy access, WASH, food security in rural areas

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) invites MFIs, cooperatives, NGOs, energy and water suppliers, and similar organizations in…

event 17 дек. 2020

Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the 4th Executive Committee Meeting: Nexus Regional Dialogues Phase II  

More than sixty participants from different regions and time-zones joined the virtual 4th Executive Committee Meeting of the Nexus Regional Dialogues…

event 01 дек. 2020

Nexus Blog // ECREEE signs MoU with WE4F

On October 27th, Water & Energy for Food (WE4F) and ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) signed an agreement to…

event 25 нояб. 2020

Nexus Blog // Reaping the Rewards of Agricultural Electrification

A study by Power Africa and USAID shows win-win opportunities for rural communities and electricity companies in Nigeria. They conducted a…

event 04 нояб. 2020

Nexus News // Water and Energy Ministers Meeting approves the SADC WEF-Nexus Governance Framework developed by GWPSA

The SADC Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Governance Framework, that was developed by GWPSA, was approved in a joint meeting held by the Ministers…

event 04 нояб. 2020

Nexus Blog // Sécurité alimentaire et autonomisation des femmes grâce à l'irrigation solaire au Niger

À trente kilomètres de la capitale du Niger, dans la région de Kollo récemment marquée par le terrorisme, un groupe de 200 femmes bénéficiera bientôt…

event 04 нояб. 2020

Nexus Blog // Food Security and Women Empowerment Through Solar-Powered Irrigation in Niger

By Apolline Rolland and WE4F team in Abidjan. Thirty kilometres from the capital of Niger, in the region of Kollo recently marked by terrorism, a…

event 01 нояб. 2020

Nexus Blog // La DDC supporte une gestion durable de l'eau et des pâturages en Éthiopie

Les sécheresses, le manque de fourrage et les conflits autour des ressources naturelles rendent la vie difficile aux éleveurs de bétail du sud de…

event 01 нояб. 2020

Nexus Blog // SDC supports sustainable water and pasture management in Ethiopia

Drought, fodder scarcity and conflicts over natural resources make life difficult for pastoralists in southern Ethiopia. Swiss Development…

event 28 окт. 2020

Vacancy // Researcher on Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus and GIS modelling

The “Future Energy” research program of the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei is seeking a Researcher to work in the areas on…

event 09 сент. 2020

Nexus Blog // Experts’ Panel on Water, Food and Energy Nexus as a Resource for Peace

The Week on Water for Development 2020 set the stage for manifold discussions. During the virtual session of “Water, Food and Energy Nexus as…

event 21 апр. 2020

Nexus Blog // Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in the MENA Region in Beirut

On the 3rd and 4th March of 2020, a workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in the MENA Region took place in Beirut, where the Nexus Regional…

event 14 апр. 2020

Nexus Blog // Un voyage d'étude au centre Songhaï de Porto Novo au Bénin

Une délégation composée de plusieurs représentants des parties prenantes dans la région du bassin du Niger a récemment entrepris un voyage d'étude au…

event 14 апр. 2020

Nexus Blog // A study trip to Songhai center of Porto Novo in Benin

A delegation of various stakeholders of the Niger Basin area undertook a study trip to the Songhai center in Benin, a model training center dedicated…

event 30 мар. 2020

Innovation Challenge // Innovation Challenge 2020: Mechanization, Digitalization and Renewable Energies in the Agricultural Sector

The GIZ Agricultural Innovation Fund is currently looking for innovative ideas of entrepreneurs, start-ups and small enterprises that make the…

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