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event 03 янв. 2025

Poster // Mapping irrigated agriculture in Senegal River Valley and Delta

By Laurent Bruckann. A reproducible framework for mapping seasonal irrigation and flood recession agriculture in the Senegal River valley and delta,…

event 14 дек. 2023

Toolkit // Nexus Impact Assessment (NIA) Toolkit

The Nexus Impact Assessment (NIA) Toolkit provides a comprehensive methodology and user-friendly tools which address the potential impacts on other…

event 27 сент. 2023

Infographic // Water-Energy Nexus

The European Alliance to Save Energy published an informative infographic highlighting the Water-Energy Nexus. In today’s climate and energy crisis,…

event 08 сент. 2023

Study // Lessons Learned Study: Insights gained from the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme

The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, which ran from 2016 to 2023, sought to identify the most effective institutional arrangements, methodologies…

event 01 мар. 2023

WEF Nexus Tool // Transboundary Nexus Assessment (TBNA) Methodology Interactive Infographic

In transboundary settings, Nexus related issues can result in painful trade-offs and friction between countries. The TBNA Methodology is a…

event 28 февр. 2022

Infographic // What is a food system without water and energy?

Explore this graphic to learn more about why the water, food, energy Nexus must play a central role at the UN Food Systems Summit.

event 12 нояб. 2020

Nexus Interactive Publication // UNECE Story Map on Water-Food-Energy Ecosystems Nexus Approach

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has published a fascinating interactive Story Map with videos and infographics to accompany…

event 10 окт. 2019

Pocket Flyer // Water, Energy and Food for All A Nexus Approach

The 2017 BMZ Water Strategy, with its six intersectoral strategies, is a binding basis for German Development Cooperation and integrates…

event 20 нояб. 2018

Video // Water, Energy, Food - Nexus Thinking Explained

This motion infographic explains the importance of nexus thinking in our everyday lives and policy decisions. It explores the deep interconnections…

event 07 июн. 2018

Infografía // Ocho Gráficos para Entender los Retos del Planeta

¿Qué es realmente el cambio climático? ¿Qué países son los que más contribuyen al mismo? Aquí van ocho gráficos o cuadros con los que entender mejor…

event 17 мая 2018

Infographic // The Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus by IUCN

This infographic shows the interactions and key questions around the relationship triangle of water, energy and food security, like: What are energy…

event 08 мая 2018

Infographic // Solar Water Pumping - ready for mainstreaming?

Infographic by the Worldbank showing the price history of PV solar cells, a diesel-vs-solar cost calculation, possible flow, lifespan and challenges…

event 24 мар. 2017

Water-Energy Nexus // Infographic: How energy and water are intrinsically linked

By GE Look ahead. It takes water to produce energy. Renewable energy sources like solar or wind are the most water efficient ways to produce…

event 24 янв. 2017

FAO and Climate Change // Soils, Land and Water for climate change adaptation and mitigation

Through short text and infographics this booklet describes how soils constitute the largest store of terrestrial carbon. When managed using…

event 12 янв. 2017

Infographic Virtual Water // "Hidden water - How much water is in chocolate?"

You cannot see how much water is required to produce what we eat every day. More than 15,000 l of water are needed to produce 1 kg of beef, 2,000 l…

1 3x

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