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Ресурсная платформа Нексус постоянно совершенствуется в стратегическом и техническом отношении.
Slides // National development plans and priority objectives in water sector in Montenegro
by Dragana Dukic, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Montenegro), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the…
Slides // Sharing information and knowledge
by Lidija Globevnik, TC Vode Ljubljana, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March…
Slides // Ecosystem perspective
by Irma Popovic Dujmovic, WWF, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th,…
Slides // Thematic assessment on the Water-Food-Energy- Ecosystems Nexus under the UNECE Water Convention
by Annukka Lipponen, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the…
Slides // Guiding Principles on Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Danube Basin
by Ivan Zavadsky, (ICPDR), at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) on March 4th, 2014
Slides // Regional Food and Agriculture Outlook and Its Implications for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
by Lucy Pluschke, FAO, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb (HR) March 4-6th, 2014
Slides // Implications of the EU renewable energy acquis for the SEE sub-region and the Energy Strategy of the Energy Community
by Gabriela Cretu, Energy Community Secretariat, at the Workshop on Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus Assessment in the Sava River Basin in Zagreb…
Slides // Governing the (FEW) Nexus
by Angela Wilkinson, OECD, at the 2nd Round Table on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Paris on Nov. 12th, 2014
Slides // How much does the nexus cost?
by Rob Dellink, OECD, at the 2nd Round Table on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Paris on Nov. 12th, 2014
Slides // Risks and trade-offs: view from a government - Example of French public policies
by Coralie Noel, French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, at the 2nd Round Table on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Paris on Nov. 12th, 2014
Slides // Energy-Water-Food Stress Nexus
by Olivier Gantois, Shell, at the 2nd Round Table on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Paris on Nov. 12th, 2014
Slides // Economic Impacts of the Land-Water-Energy Nexus - Exploring it's Feedbacks on the Global Economy
By Fritz Hellman, Tom Kram and Ton Manders, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Slides // The agro-food dimension of the nexus
by Jonathan Brooks and Guillaume Gruére, OECD, held at the First Nexus Round Table by OECD in Paris, France, on Sept. 25th, 2014
Slides // Water-energy-food nexus - Setting the scene
by Ton Manders, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, held at the First Nexus Round Table by OECD in Paris, France, on Sept. 25th, 2014
Slides // Effective Nexus Governance for Water Sustainability
by Aziza Akhmouch, OECD, held at the First Nexus Round Table by OECD in Paris, France, on Sept. 26th, 2014
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