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Ресурсная платформа Нексус постоянно совершенствуется в стратегическом и техническом отношении.
World Water Forum 2018 // Arab Regional Report: Pre-Forum Version
Coordinated by the League of Arab States (LAS), this pre-forum Arab regional report is part of the regional process outcomes. It was developed after…
Diskussion // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Who Owns It?
By Rabi H. Mohtar. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus has emerged over the last few years as an innovative and holistic platform for resource…
Policy Brief // Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the MENA Region
By Rabi H. Mohtar. Understanding the interlinkages between climate change and the water-energy-food securities is critical for developing effective…
The Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus // Towards a Practical Planning and Decision-support Framework for Landscape Investment and Risk Management
By Livia Bizikova, Dimple Roy, Darren Swanson, Henry David Venema, Matthew McCandless. By Livia Bizikova, Dimple Roy, Darren Swanson, Henry David…
Strategy for Interlinkages between Water, Energy and Agriculture (Nexus Perspective) // Synergies and Conflicting Goals
Global forecasts predict a 40 to 50 per cent increase in the demand for fresh water, energy and food until 2030 due to pressure caused by population…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge Action Network // Research and Engagement Plan
The Development Team of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge-Action Network issued the Research and Engagement Plan in March 2018 to shape and guide…
Policy Brief // Water, Wetlands and Nature-based Solutions in a Nexus Context in the Mediterranean
Wetlands are at the interface of land and water (including seas) and they allow for important exchanges between terrestrial, freshwater and marine…
Recomendaciones para la Acción// Diálogo Regional Político-Técnico sobre el Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe
Los participantes del Diálogo Regional Político-Técnico sobre el Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación (WEF, por sus siglas en inglés),…
Recommendations for Action // Regional Political-Technical Forum on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean
Participants of the Regional Political-Technical Forum on the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus, including representatives of government agencies of 15…
WEF Nexus in the United Arab Emirates // Opportunities for Dutch Cooperation
The WEF Nexus has risen on the national agenda as the UAE looks to secure its future and support ongoing development. The UAE and Dutch government…
Nexus in MENA // Mainstreaming the Nexus Approach in Water, Food and Energy Policies in the MENA Region
By Hussein Abaza. There are close linkages between water, food and energy. Policies for the three sectors need to be designed in a coordinated and…
Sustainable Development Goal 6 // Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation
UN-Water produced the SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation to provide input on this goal to the UN Member States. This report…
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean // Priority Interconnections
By Antonio Embid Irujo and Liber Martin. This paper analyses the water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean. By briefly…
Nexus in Europe // Coordination of Sectoral Interests in the Nexus Between Water, Energy and Agriculture: Mechanisms and Interests in Germany
By Sabine Blumstein, Annika Kramer and Alexander Carius. The interdependencies in the exploitation and protection of natural resources and in the…
The Nexus between Water, Energy and Food in Latin America and the Caribbean // Planning, Policy Framework and the Identification of Priority Interconnections
By Antonio Embid and Liber Martín. This document analyses the Nexus between water, energy and food in Latin America and the Caribbean, focussing its…
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