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100 Transboundary waters
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event 08 сент. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Training of trainers on the interactive Nexus Game was held in Almaty

ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN – The Regional Environmental Centre of Central Asia within the framework of the EU-funded project «Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia»…

Canal system Euphrates river Syria ID 512888683 Martchan
event 13 янв. 2022

Job Vacancy // Director - Water Resources Cooperation Department

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is searching for a Director of its Water Resources Cooperation Department. Apply by January 24, 2022.

Alexander schimmeck g Lt Jea5ta Xo unsplash
event 08 мар. 2021

Nexus Blog // Reunión virtual de expertos sobre políticas del Nexo Agua-Alimentos-Energía-Ecosistemas y proyectos de relevancia transfronteriza en la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC)

La Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE), la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)…

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event 24 окт. 2022

The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // Roadmap on integrated water resources management of Lake Kivu along the city of Goma

By Manassé Lwimo. The Lake Kivu and Rusizi/Ruzizi River Basin Authority (ABAKIR), with the technical support of GIZ and in partnership with the Mayor…

Quantifying sustainability for water availability WEF Nexus
event 11 нояб. 2021

Research Article // Quantifying the Sustainability of Water Availability for the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus in the Niger River Basin

By Jie Yang and colleagues. Meeting the growing demands for fresh water, food, and energy while maintaining the sustainability of eco-systems is a…

20221222 2
event 22 дек. 2022

Publication // Management of sediment-induced problems at Tuyamuyun Hydro-Complex

By Sanjay Giri and Eric Stern. In this publication, a comprehensive review of the studies and data available as well as a rapid analysis of the…

event 12 апр. 2022

Call for Offers // International Specialist for transboundary water management and Project Document Preparation Specialist / Technical Advisor

GWP-Med has issued a call for offers for a technical advisor/international specialist in the framework of the regional project "Implementing the…

event 08 сент. 2022


АЛМАТЫ, КАЗАХСТАН – Региональный экологический центр Центральной Азии в рамках проекта Европейского Союза «Нексус диалог в Центральной Азии»…

Screenshot 2024 12 04 150153
event 04 дек. 2024

Blog // Strengthening Cooperation Through the WEFE Nexus in Central Asia

On June 12, 2024, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, IWMI organized a pivotal side event titled “Strengthening Benefit Sharing in Central Asia: Role of…

Alexander schimmeck g Lt Jea5ta Xo unsplash
event 08 мар. 2021

Nexus Blog // Virtual meeting of experts on policies of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus and projects of transboundary relevance in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the…

20221021 1
event 24 окт. 2022

The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // Roadmap of erosion management in relation to the occupation of the watershed of the city of Bukavu

By Manassé Lwimo. This workshop from was organized to draw the attention of all the active forces of the Bukavu City Council and other stakeholders…

Ecdm paper
event 08 нояб. 2021

Report // Supporting transboundary water cooperation: Learning from water-stressed basins in West Africa

By Alfonso Medinilla and Katja Sergejeff. This paper builds on existing and new analysis on two transboundary basins, namely the Niger river and…

The Kura Aras River Basin
event 16 авг. 2022

Research Article // A Societal Metabolism Approach to Effectively Analyze the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in an Agricultural Transboundary River Basin

By Alireza Taghdisian and colleagues. This study illustrated the potential of MuSIASEM in providing useful information for the multi-level governance…

event 28 дек. 2022

Dialogue Régional Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // L’Autorité du Bassin du Niger adopte ses premières directives transfrontalières sur le Nexus Eau-Energie-Alimentation-Environnement

Le 7 décembre 2022, dans la capitale du Tchad, N’Djamena, le Conseil de Ministres de l’Autorité du Bassin du Niger (ABN) a adopté des premières…

Transboundary water resources of a Iran b Iraq and c Turkey
event 30 июл. 2021

Research article //The water-energy-food nexus: A holistic approach for resource security in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey

By Mohanna Zarei. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of water conflicts in the Middle East region specifically in Iran, Iraq, and…

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