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1037 Governance (of the Nexus)
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Fragility forum
event 07 мар. 2022 15 мар. 2022

Forum // Fragility Forum 2022

The Fragility Forum is a biennial event organized by The World Bank Group that brings together policymakers and practitioners from the humanitarian,…

SPIS trainings
event 22 февр. 2022 24 февр. 2022

Virtual Training // SPIS Toolbox: Online-Trainings for Advisors

GIZ along with its WE4F Partners are pleased to announce a series of Online Training Courses on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems for Advisors.

Nexus event 17 feb
event 17 февр. 2022

Webinar // The Nexus: Building Synergies Across Sectors

The webinar is organised by KWR’s Joint Research Programme of the Dutch and Flemish drinking water sector and Watershare. The webinar on building…

Prima infoday
event 07 февр. 2022 08 февр. 2022

Workshop // PRIMA Journée d'information et formation pour les pays francophones

Les pays du Maghreb, le Liban et la France, en coordination avec la Fondation PRIMA ont le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à un workshop dédié à…

Irrigation system South Africa ID 86574340 Martin Maritz lowsize
event 03 февр. 2022

Virtual Matchmaking Event // Research Initiatives Cooperation South Africa – the Netherlands: Integrating Health Approaches and WEF-Nexus

The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and NWO launched a third call for proposals, entitled ‘Integrating Health Approaches and…

SPIS trainings
event 25 янв. 2022 27 янв. 2022

Formation Virtuelle // Boîte à outils SPIS: Formation en ligne pour conseillers

Le Projet Eau et Energie pour l’Alimentation PEEPA/WE4F a le plaisir d'annoncer une formation virtuelle et gratuite sur les systèmes d'irrigation à…

Nexus seminar series 17 jan
event 17 янв. 2022

Online Seminar // The Nexus and International Relations: The Case of Hydropower Projects and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

UNU-FLORES, in collaboration with PRISMA – Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy on behalf of TU Dresden, presents the 58th seminar in the…

event 15 янв. 2022 19 янв. 2022 location Abu Dhabi, UAE

Conference // Abu-Dhabi Sustainability Week

Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week is a collection of events, tailored for different global audiences and trends shaping the world’s sustainability…

event 14 дек. 2021

Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series 2nd Round // Beyond traditional financing models for Smallholders and other End-users in the WEF-Nexus: Challenges and Innovative solutions

Hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This is the fourth session of the 2nd Round of Webinars on…

Invitation sharepic PRIMA workshop
event 06 дек. 2021 08 дек. 2021

Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice

Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you…

event 29 нояб. 2021

Webinar // Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region

On November 29, AMWAJ is hosting a webinar exploring the interlinkages between water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) with regards to…

Olive fields morocco
event 24 нояб. 2021 location Morocco

Webinar // Side Event: Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This webinar is taking place at the 5th African Regional Conference for…

Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021
event 22 нояб. 2021 26 нояб. 2021

Virtual Conference // Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021

The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW8) and the 6th Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan6) are being jointly organised this year as a…

Palestinian Dutch Conference on WASH and CSA
event 17 нояб. 2021 18 нояб. 2021 location An-Najah National University and online

Conference // The 1st Palestinian-Dutch Conference on Water, sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and Climate-Smart agriculture (CSA)

The first Palestinian-Dutch international conference is organized within the framework of the OKP-Pal project on ‎Capacity Building in water,…

event 16 нояб. 2021

Webinar // Sustainable electricity production by integrated food, energy and water systems: opportunities and challenges

This webinar series is organized by FAO & WEF Nexus in Africa Initiative, WE4F, GIZ Nexus Dialogues, and SEI. The third session of the 2nd Round of…

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Cecilia Vey

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