event 15 февр. 2017

Transboundary Rivers // Fostering Cooperation on Transboundary Waters: Success Stories from SDC’s Transboundary Waters Program

By Annika Kramer, Lukas Rüttinger and Paola Adriázola. The Global Programme Water (GPW) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) seeks solutions to global water management challenges. It engages in global political dialogues and conducts projects that influence regional and international policy. GPW’s "Water Diplomacy and Governance in Key Transboundary Hot Spots" programme seeks to contribute to the equitable, sustainable, and inclusive management and governance of transboundary lakes, rivers, and aquifers.

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(C) unsplash / Anthony Da Cruz
Since the programme began in 2011, SDC has provided more than 15 million Swiss Francs to implement its innovative activities, making it one of GPW’s largest initiatives. The programme comprises four synergistic projects that target basins in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, as well as at the global level, in collaboration with four implementing partners. Its third phase will run through 2018. Lessons learned drawn from SDC’s “Water Diplomacy and Governance in Key Transboundary Hot Spots” Programme are presented in a new knowledge product which is a compilation of success stories from the programme's activites around the world, that explain the GPW's multi-level approach to fostering transboundary cooperation. The booklet provides insights into projects and partnerships in a number of basins around the world and features important achievements and success stories in fostering transboundary water cooperation.


adelphi website


June 2016


  • adelphi, Berlin
  • for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

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