event 01 окт. 2019

Stakeholder Involvement Kick-off-Workshop // Regional Project: Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River

A Stakeholder Involvement Kick-off Workshop was conducted in Kigali, on May 14, 2019. The purpose of this workshop was, to bring together relevant stakeholders from the region and to introduce the new project “Support to the integrated management of water resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River”. Presentations of different ongoing projects, the facilitation of exchange and the sighting of synergies played an important role during this meeting. The workshop did not aim at launching the project officially at political level.

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Gruppenbild kivu kick off
© Alain van den Brande

A Stakeholder Involvement Kick-off Workshop was conducted in Kigali, on May 14, 2019. The purpose of this workshop was, to bring together relevant stakeholders from the region and to introduce the new project “Support to the integrated management of water resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River”. Presentations of different ongoing projects, the facilitation of exchange and the sighting of synergies played an important role during this meeting. The workshop did not aim at launching the project officially at political level.


Panelists and Short Summary of Input

  • Mr. Thibaut Moyer, Delegation of the European Union, Head of Economics and Good Governance

Mr. Moyer welcomed all participants and introduced into the projects history. He underlined the importance of water management for the Lake Kivu Region and the commitment of the Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda to support related activities. He also mentioned the relevance of adjacent sectors for the project, as for example Energy (Energy production from Hydropower and Methane Extraction from Lake Kivu), thus highlighting the importance of an inter-sectorial approach for the project´s implementation. The project “Support to the integrated management of water resources of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River” will be supported by the Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda with EUR 2 Mio. financed through the 11th EDF (European Development Fund). Mr. Moyer also appreciated the cooperation with Germany in the project and thanked the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for collaborating with the EU Delegation in the project.

  • Mrs. Dorothea Groth, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Head of Development Cooperation

Mrs. Groth welcomed the participants in the name of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. She shared the vision of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development for transboundary water management, water security and protection of natural resources. She thanked the European Union Delegation Rwanda for collaborating with Germany in this important project for the region and wished all participants a good and fruitful meeting and future cooperation.

  • Ms. Sarah Beerhalter, GIZ Team leader of the project “Support to the integrated management of water resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River”

Ms. Beerhalter introduced the new project, giving insights on the background, focus and objectives, the proposed activities and expected outcome. She also highlighted the importance of transboundary water management and presented the Water-Engergy and Food Security Nexus, to which the project is linked.

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  • Mr. Charles Hakizimana, ABAKIR (Autorité du Bassin du Lac Kivu et de la Rivière Ruzizi) Co-Director and Mr. Jean-Paul Nyembo Mwamba, ABAKIR, Director

Mr. Hakizimana and Mr. Mwamba Nyembo gave the welcome from side of the main partner of the project, ABAKIR. They gave an introduction on the basin’s major aspects and how ABAKIR was created by the three states of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda and its later evolvement.

They stated, how ABAKIR is based on three major aspects: 1) an effective international cooperation, 2) a sustainable and equitable management of water resources and 3) a better socio-economic integration of the countries of the sub-region.

They further elaborated on the principal objectives, the mandate, the expected outcomes, challenges and opportunities within the basin. As one of the most critical issues for the Lake Kivu the problem of waste going into the Lake was highlighted during the presentation.

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  • Ms. Augusta Umutoni, LKMP, Program Manager

Ms. Umutoni presented the Lake Kivu Monitoring Programme, background information on the basin and the objectives and mandate of the programme. She presented various activities in detail and gave insight into the cooperation with DRC. She explained that the mandate of the LKMP is focussed on the methane gas extraction from the lake. The LKPM has the task to ensure that the gas extraction is done in a safe and sustainable way. For this task the LKMP needs to collect and analyse lots of data and also implements own monitoring activities of the lake – as a thorough understanding of the lakes system is required to manage it. LKMP is offering to share data and research on the lake and has already developed an integrated data management system. For the LKMP a memorandum of understanding between Rwanda and DRC is signed as these two countries share the lakes methane resources (Burundi is not part of the agreement). Mrs. Umutoni made reference to ABAKIR as the mandated organization for the lake and basin management during her presentation and mentioned that LKMP is very interested to collaborate with ABAKIR.

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  • Dr. Eliot Taylor, W4GR, Team Leader / since June 2019 MM Rwanda, Country Manager

Dr. Taylor presented the scope of work and main achievements of the Water for Growth (W4GR) programme in Rwanda.

He elaborated on the different components 1) Enhancement of Institutional Frameworks, 3) Demonstration of Added Value of IWRM in Demonstration Catchment Areas and 5) Knowledge Management.

The W4GR programme is implemented since 4 years by Mott Macdonald in Cooperation with SNV and SHER and financed by the Netherlands. Amongst many others, key activities have been the development of catchment management plans, the rehabilitation of the national water monitoring system. One specific finding during water quality monitoring work was that, in some locations ground water in Rwanda is subject to high levels of faecal contamination.

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  • Ms. Sarah Bebb, GIZ, Advisor with the Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Nile Basin

Ms. Bebb gave insight on the “Support to transboundary cooperation in the Nile Basin” project, implemented by GIZ. She presented the objectives of the multi-donor action programme, the expected outputs and outcomes as well as an overview on the International Climate Initiative. She also shared the information that the programme is currently working on a “state of the basin report” for the Nile basin which is partly also interesting for the ABAKIR countries. The NBI has their main offices in Entebbe (Uganda) but also an existing office in Rwanda and further countries.

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  • Mr. Etienne Rodenbach, ENABEL, Deputy Country Representative

Mr. Rodenbach presented the project LATAWAMA (Lake Tanganyika Water Management - Gestion des eaux du Lac Tanganyika) and its main objectives: 1) Development and testing monitoring water quality tools in Lake Tanganyika, 2) Reducing the environmental pressure of the 5 pilot cities on the water quality of Lake Tanganyika and 3) The strengthening of ALT (Basin Authority of Lake Tanganyika)in its role of coordination and support to stakeholders in water resources management. Partner for this project is the ALT (Lake Tanganyika Authority).

He explained also that one planned outcome of the project is to create capacities in the use of laboratory equipment and analysis of parameters for water quality. As import main issues for the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River the waste management was mentioned as well as the erosion control, taking place in the catchments.

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  • Mr. Gabriel Hakizimana, Lake Tanganyka Authority

Mr. Hakizimana gave insights into the work of the downstream basin Authority LTA (Autorité du Lac Tanganyika), an introduction on the environment, the state of biodiversity and threats to the ecosystem. He highlighted the importance of collaboration with the upstream basin authority and other partners. Furthermore, he presented figures for ecosystem services, the main ongoing activities and future working areas. He explained, that the Lake Tanganyika Basin also covers the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River, therefore collaboration with ABAKIR is very important. He also stated that LTA is willing to increase cooperation with ABAKIR. According to the status of the LTA it was mentioned, that Rwanda has not signed up yet.

LTA has developed a transboundary diagnostic and a strategic plan for the Lake Tanganyika basin, which also includes Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River. Mr. Hakizimana highlighted as main issues in the basin: sedimentation, pollution (mainly coming from Uvira – DRC side) and de-forestation. LTA further has a regional strategic action plan and an integrated monitoring action plan developed and is currently setting up water laboratories and technical capacities for water analysis at LTA. The development of a database for the basin is also planned.

LTA has started to develop protocols on transboundary water issues e.g. on fisheries etc. which need to be approved by the 5 LTA countries.

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Outcomes and key messages of the workshop

Several areas for synergies with existing initiatives have been identified during the workshop and through the comments in the questionnaires filled by the participants.

The main points identified are the following:

  • Collaboration in the area of research and data e.g. water quality, etc. and linking activities with relevant stakeholders (LTA, LKMP etc.).
  • Exchange of relevant documents and data (documents elaborated through ALT, NBI Programme, data from LKMP, W4GR).
  • Set up bilateral meetings with key stakeholders to define first steps for concrete collaboration and agree on starting points and the concrete cooperation mechanisms.
  • Discussion of joint (research) project between key stakeholders.

It was felt by all stakeholders that regular information sharing and exchange between ABAKIR and the relevant stakeholder community would be beneficial throughout the project.

Next Steps

Knowledge sharing and getting insights into potential synergies with partners in the region were important outputs of this workshop. Now, the project is further exploring, under close collaboration with ABAKIR, which specific activities shall be undertaken as first priorities. We will get in touch with all partners who are involved in the respective topics.

Please approach us directly in case of new developments in your sector or if you see any further cooperation opportunities, we did not discuss so far. The collaboration with you as stakeholders in the region is one of the most important factors contributing to the objective of the project.


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