event 03 июл. 2018

Project // S-MultiStor: Sustainable Hydropower and Multipurpose Storage to Meet the Water, Food and Energy SDG's

This project is a 3-year program to investigate and demonstrate improved approaches to sustainable multipurpose water storage, including both gray and green storage. We have assembled a consortium of leading international partner organizations responsible for developing and testing decision-support tools that have the potential to make a measurable impact on sustainable development.

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https://unsplash.com/photos/2UJNFZViRIk (C) Jaromír Kavan / Unsplash

S-MultiStor will create a common research and innovation platform where researchers from IHE Delft and southern partner institutions engage with leading international initiatives in a structured program of collaboration. DUPC2 funds are being sought to support a core set of activities aligned with DGIS themes and geographic priorities, including the Irrawaddy Basin of Myanmar, Zambezi Basin of Southern Africa, and Magdalena Basin of Colombia. Specific research outputs will new knowledge to improve decision support tools for basin-scale planning of new storage and improved tools for improved design and operation of individual facilities. Development outcomes will include improved catchment management for water, food, and energy security that is socially and environmentally sustainable and contributes directly to Agenda 2030.

Key facts

  • Budget: EUR 1.4m
  • Period: 07.2016 to 05.2019
  • Partners: PUJ Colombia, ECI Colombia, UEM Moz, NUoL, Mandalay and Yangon Myanmar, UZ, IGB Germany, AGWA, ANDI, IHA, MIID, TNC, WWF, ZAMCOM
  • Donor: Stichting IHE
  • Donor programme: DGIS - UNESCO-IHE Programmatic Coorperation II


More information

Further reading

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Cecilia Vey

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