Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Southern African Development Community WEF Nexus Masterclass
Over 70 participants joined the 3-day WEF Nexus Masterclass hosted by Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA). Capacity building and enhancing understanding Nexus thinking for sustainable resource management and socio-economic development was highlighted through different lessons.
Capacity Building to support WEF Nexus Implementation
The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) hosted a WEF Nexus session on 15 June 2022, day 3 of the WEF Nexus Masterclass, a capacity-building initiative to support early career researchers, postgraduate students, managers, and practitioners in understanding nexus thinking, particularly the WEF nexus, as a transformative approach to sustainable natural resources management and socio-economic development. The session shared experiences from the SADC Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme to highlight how the WEF Nexus approach can be anchored within institutions and processes through good governance and coordination systems and introduced participants to the SADC Regional dialogue framework and WEF Nexus screening tool that helps to prioritize WEF projects. During the 3-hour session, GWPSA, SACREEE and SARUA showcased how a WEF Nexus project can be designed at a local scale and shared experiences from the GCCA+ demonstration projects implemented in Malawi and Zambia. Over 70 participants attended the event.

More information on the Nexus Regional Dialogue in Southern Africa