event 11 нояб. 2022 time 08:00 12 нояб. 2022 time 17:30 location Paris

Paris Peace Forum // FREXUS Session: Local participation for security and resilience

The FREXUS project will be holding a session on “Local Participation for Security & Resilience" at the Paris Peace Forum 2022 as one of the selected projects presenting Solutions For Peace.

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11 - 12 November 2022 I Paris

About the Paris Peace Forum

Set to take place at the end of a tumultuous year, the 5th edition of the Paris Peace Forum will focus on Riding out the multicrisis and preventing a destructive world polarization that would jeopardize collective efforts. On 11 – 12 November 2022, we will explore how to mitigate the multiple shocks by fostering a renewed cooperative world order and multilateralism. By launching transnational solutions, initiatives and debates, the Forum will show examples of resolve, resilience and solidarity from stakeholders of the North and South to address today’s most pressing issues in the midst of a volatile and fast-changing context.

About the session

The Frexus Project, implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and co-financed by the European Commission (EC) DG DEVCO and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), is 1 of 60 selected projects to showcase Solutions for Peace.

The Sahel region has experienced a convergence of challenges: The security situation has deteriorated significantly; the region is considered one of the most vulnerable to climate change worldwide and this dynamic is amplified by rapid population growth which increases the pressure on resources. The FREXUS project has been designed to support the peaceful resolution of social tensions and conflicts between population groups that are caused or exacerbated by climate change. The specific objective is to support more conflict-sensitive and climate-sensitive management of land, natural resources and ecosystems in targeted communities, taking into consideration the needs of vulnerable groups. The project uses an integrated approach (water-energy-food security Nexus) in the areas of development and security that creates new opportunities ensuring long term sustainable development and peace.


If you want to participate you can "Request your invitation to the 5th edition of the Paris Peace Forum" on their website.

Further Information

Please find further information on the session on the Paris Peace Forum website.

Find more information on the Frexus Project here.

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Cecilia Vey

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