event 21 июн. 2021 time 09:30 02 июл. 2021 time 17:30 GMT+8

Online Conference // Singapore International Water Week 2021

Held virtually from 21 June to 2 July 2021, SIWW2021 Online allows global leaders, experts and practitioners to connect, share and learn from one another. This virtual event will feature close to 100 keynotes, thematic webinars, workshops on best practices and solutions spanning the urban water cycle and a virtual expo featuring some 100 exhibitors with the latest cutting-edge solutions and technologies, product and technology showcases. Sessions will be recorded for on-demand viewing and will be accessible until 31 August 2021. There will also be virtual networking opportunities for knowledge sharing, learning and exchange.

SIWW 2021

About the event

Given the current COVID-19 situation and uncertain travel outlook, the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2021 that is slated for 21 June to 2 July, will now take place as a fully virtual event.
Earlier announced as a hybrid Summit for water leaders and experts, the now-virtual SIWW2021 Spotlight will take place on 21 June. This centrepiece will also kick-off SIWW2021 Online, a two-week long virtual showcase that runs till 2 July.
SIWW2021 Spotlight will continue to focus on stakeholder collaboration and how innovation can be harnessed to achieve water security and sustainability.

SIWW2021 Online will present a range of industry-focused content, covering end-to-end of the urban water cycle. This will take its form through the flagship SIWW Water Convention which will present over 350 technical papers, a Water Expo of more than 120 international exhibitors, including six participating Pavilions, over 40 Thematic Webinars on key and emerging topics of interest, and specially curated Innovation to Practice (I2P) sessions profiling the end-user innovation journeys of industry and utilities.

About Singapore International Water Week (SIWW)

The Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) is a global premier platform to share and co-create innovative water solutions. The biennial event gathers stakeholders from the global water industry to share best practices, showcase the latest technologies and tap business opportunities.

SIWW is part of the strategic programme of the Singapore Government to grow the water industry and develop water technologies. In 2018, the SIWW celebrated 10 years of water excellence and ended on a high note with more than 24,000 participants from across the world and S$23 billion in total value for announcements on projects awarded, tenders, investments and MOUs, underscoring its role in driving industry growth. The 8th edition of the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) was held alongside the World Cities Summit (WCS) and CleanEnviro Summit Singapore (CESG).


An overview of the event agenda is available here. For detailed information per day see here.

Events linked to the WEF Nexus approach:

TW.20 IDA Business Forum on Desalination and Water Reuse, 29 June 2021 (Tuesday), 9.00pm-10.30pm SGT (GMT+8)
Co-organiser: International Desalination Association

The IDA is a founding Strategic Partner of the SIWW and is pleased to present the IDA Business Forum covering desalination and Water Reuse solutions to meet water scarcity needs. Distinguished speakers will discuss the global market for non-conventional treatment solutions, financing of such projects, the water-energy-food nexus and the impact these solutions have on meeting current and future water sustainability needs.


The registration as a SIWW2021 Online Trade Visitor is free. Online Trade Visitor will have access to the following: Thematic Webinars (limited), Up Close and Personal Series, Virtual Expo and Product/Technology Showcase. You can register here as a trade visitor.

The prices reach from 350 SDG (Singapore Dollars) (students) to 700 SDG (general Delegate Pass). SIWW2021 Online delegate pass includes full access to live and recorded content at SIWW2021 Spotlight and Online Several further discounts are available. You can register here.

More information

All information about the event can be found on SIWW's website.
You can stay up to date by joining the SIWW's mailing list or following it on Facebook and Twitter.
For enquiries, please get in touch at info@siww.com.sg.

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