event 18 Jul 2018

Return on Investment Case Study // Accelerating Solar Water Pump Sales in Kenya

This Return on Investment case study by Winrock International shows an increase in gross profits of up to 186% within one to two crop seasons after purchase of a solar water pump (SWP) for smallholder farmers in Kenya. Between August 2015 and December 2016 Winrock demonstrated SWPs to more than 16,000 of such smallholder farmers and found that despite strong demand, the lack of smallholder credit options for solar irrigation is a key obstacle preventing SWP sales from increasing rapidly; financial institutions and SWP retailers need technical assistance to facilitate smallholder access to credit.

Cover spis in kenya winrock international


Return on Investment Case Study // Accelerating Solar Water Pump Sales in Kenya


November 2017


Winrock International

is a non-profit organization that works to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity and sustain natural resources around the world. Winrock has been working to increase smallholder productivity and income through affordable on-farm solar technologies, including solar chillers and solar water pumps.

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