event 01 Jul 2022

Publication // Best Practices in Water, Energy and Food Nexus ecosystem in the European-Mediterranean Partner Countries Region mapped by NEX-LABS

This document summarizes the key findings derived from the NEX-LABS project activities analyzing a series of best practices in the current Water Energy and Food (WEF) ecosystem in the NEX-LABS project partnering countries.


About Nex-Laps

NEX-LABS targeted territories, characterized by water scarcity and both an irregular rainfall and population distribution, reflect agriculture as largest user of water (70-90%) while future global warming projections (≈2ºC) are expected to cause a decrease in summer precipitation (-10/-30%), threatening water availability (-2/-15%) and agricultural productivity (-12/-40%). The latent conflict between energy efficiency (≈60%) and water production is also increasing energy footprint/m3 of water used to produce food. The predicted shortfalls in Water/Energy/Food (WEF) require a NEXUS approach, which means an integrated management and governance of these natural resources. In this context, the NEX-LABS project aims to support the implementation of clean technologies for sustainable and resilient growth of agri-food sector production based on a more efficient use of energy (renewable/solar solutions) and water (wastewater treatment, water harvesting or reuse solutions) in Mediterranean Partner Countries region thanks to the contribution of ICT such as blockchain technology, Internet or the Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Big Data.

About the booklet

This list of best practices is an essential ingredient for building a catalogue for the NEXUS ecosystem in the European - Mediterranean Partner Countries (EU-MPC) region.

The summarized findings were derived from a qualitative analysis approach that has been deployed to define the best practice per each country.

The main observed findings show some commonalities and differences between countries regarding the status, focus, challenges, and competencies of the WEF ecosystem.

Entrepreneurial orientation, digitalization, and sustainable innovations are common interests in every country. However, some countries are in a good phase with enough structural constituents of the ecosystem, like in Spain, Italy and Egypt, and now focusing on activating the current ecosystem components to move more entrepreneurial and agile towards addressing the WEF challenges.

Other countries such as Cyprus, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Jordan are still in a reforming/transition phase of finding more ecosystem actors, issuing new legislation and policies or building national strategies for addressing WFE challenges.


Best Practices in Water, Energy and Food Nexus ecosystem in the European-Mediterranean Partner Countries Region mapped by NEX-LABS

Further Information

Visit the ENI CBC Med website to get to the original publication of the booklet.

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