event 17 Oct 2017

Project Report // Regional Policy Guidelines for Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Alexander Carius and Annika Kramer. The aim of this policy guide is to suggest institutional set-ups and procedures in support of mainstreaming a WEF-nexus approach in LAS policies, strategies and activities. It is part of a series of studies and policy guides prepared within the assignment “Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security (WEF) Nexus into Policies and Institutions in the MENA Region”.

Cover nexus mainstreaming final report regional policy guidelines
The regional policy guiding document at hand identifies current gaps and entry points for nexus mainstreaming at the regional level based on an assessment of relevant existing sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies, as well as existing sectoral and cross-sectoral administrative bodies / mechanisms within LAS. In doing so, it focuses on the most critical nexus issues and interlinkages in the region, as identified in the Evidence Base Report1 as part of the above study2. The proposed institutional set-ups and procedures for WEF-nexus mainstreaming have been developed in consultation with a variety of stakeholders from LAS and beyond This report is part 3 of the Project Report "Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus into Sectoral Policies and Institutions in the Arab Region".


Nexus Platform website (PDF)


October 2017


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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