event 11 Sep 2023

Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Final Products

After six years of diligent implementation, the conclusion of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, was successfully achieved in June 2023. Throughout this time, the Nexus Regional Diaglogues Programme has produced a wide variety of products to support the application of the WEF Nexus. This is a comprehensive list of the core achievements and key products of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, clustered per region: Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, MENA, Niger River Basin,and Southern Africa as well as the global level.

Cover NRP legacy


Webinars and Events

Nexus Stories

NRD key message sharepic 14

Nexus Regional Dialogue in Central Asia


Demonstration Projects



Nexus Regional Dialogue in Latin America & the Caribbean


The LATAM4WEF Innovation Lab for youth innovators and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)s in Latin America and the Caribbeanall - article series links and reports

Nexus Virtual Forum Series


Nexus Country Profiles

Nexus Stories


Online events

Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)


Capacity Development


Nexus Stories

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