event 16 Apr 2018

Integrating Nexus Research // Nexus Project Cluster

The Nexus Project Cluster” is an initiative that aims to enhance communication, dissemination, and the impact of research and initiatives on the Nexus, which links the fields of water, energy, food, land, and climate. The initiative, in particular, investigates the Nexus regarding its impacts on societal challenges like public health, rural-urban development, circular economy, and increasing social welfare.

Logo nexus project cluster
(C) Kevin Crosby / Unsplash

What is the Nexus Project Cluster?

  • A group of independent water/energy/food cross-sector research initiatives team up for increased and more impacting communication and dissemination of the Nexus.
  • The Nexus includes sectors like water, energy, food, land and climate, as well as important societal challenges like public health and rural-urban development. We also consider alignment with circular economy projects provided that they are linked to the concept of the Nexus.
  • The Cluster will initiate stakeholder interaction and knowledge sharing (both internal and external) on the Nexus.
  • This initiative is launched by research initiatives in Europe, but is open to initiatives from elsewhere. We especially focus at improved and mutual learning on policy coherence and synergies across the relevant Nexus sectors.
  • The Cluster is open to communication and knowledge sharing, such as exchange of methodologies, approaches, tools, datasets, case study contacts and results.


  • The Cluster would provide added value to individual actions by the different projects, in organising larger-scale and inter-team actions.
  • The initiators see an added value in aligning their research outcomes and jointly launch policy awareness-raising. They interact with the European Commission (including EASME as the Executive Agency to co-ordinate Nexus-related research actions), as it would benefit from creating synergies. In addition to the research groups, actors incl. the European Commission (incl. JRC, EASME) contribute to achieve added value by transfer of knowledge.

The Cluster was initiated in March 2018 by SIM4NEXUS, DAFNE, and the United Nations University (UNU-FLORES). It is open to other projects and initiatives and will initially run until 2020.


website: www.nexuscluster.eu

Floor Brouwer, floor.brouwer@wur.nl

Further reading

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