Coping with Water Scarcity under Changing Climate Conditions // Best Practices and Innovations on Trial
A collection of 15 case studies from the MENA region by GIZ and the Mediterranean Environmental Network (MEN), based either on their success – then called a ‘Best Practice’ – or on their inspiring, innovative ideas, called an ‘Innovation on Trial’. These include projects that try to open doors to neighbouring domains and master the complex interdependencies in order to maximise resource efficiencies, human securities and minimise trade-offs.
- Adapting Forest Policy Conditions to Climate Change (MENA region)
- Development of Organic Agriculture (Saudi Arabia)
- Urban Agriculture in the Greater Cairo Region. An Example of Rooftop Farming (Egypt)
- Adaptation to Climate Change by Protecting Genetic Resources and Retaining their Fair Use (Morocco)
- National Competence Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Morocco (Morroco)
- Increasing Water Efficiency Through Agrilcultural Drainage Water Reuse (Egypt)
- Preventing Seawater Intrusion in Greater Beirut Area (Lebanon)
- Improved Management of Water Resources (Jordan)
- Water Wise Plumbers (Jordan)
- Water Wise Women - Female Agents of Change (Jordan)
- Water Abstraction Through Bank Filtration to Improve Drinking Water Supply in Upper Egypt (Egypt)
- From Irrigated Agriculture to Solar Energy Farming (Jordan)
- Energy Efficient Water Pumping in Jordan (Jordan)
- Adaptation to Climate Change in Industrial Areas - Focus on the Agro- and Fishing Industry (Morocco)
- Communal Water Efficiency through Cooperation with Religious Authorities (Jordan)
Nexus Platform websitePublished
March 2016By
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- Mediterranean Environmental Network (MEN)