event 26 Apr 2021

Scholarship // SRI2021: Early Career Fund now available for young professionals

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) has created a dedicated Early Career Fund which will support young professionals to participate in the event virtually or in-person, if the country of residence is Australia. SRI2021is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship, innovation, collaboration and action and will feature sessions on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus.

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The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) has created a dedicated Early Career Fund which will support young professionals to participate in the event virtually or in-person, if the country of residence is Australia. Interested candidates can submit their applications online.

SRI2021 will offer an excellent opportunity for early career professionals to connect and engage with the dynamic and rapidly growing global sustainability community. The views of the early career professionals are critical to the success of the Congress, which seeks to emphasize innovation and youth.

To this end, SRI2021 is excited to announce the Early Career Fund. The Fund is a dedicated financial support mechanism, covering the event registration fees for a limited number of early career professionals. This will increase the number of early career participants at SRI2021, and elevate their voices in global sustainability discussions. The Fund was created by Future Earth and the Global Young Academy.


Early career professionals of all nationalities are welcome to apply. To be considered, candidates should be enrolled in tertiary education or be in the first ten years of their career after obtaining their latest university degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) or professional certificate. In line with the SRI2021 theme, eligible applicants should have experience in inter- or transdisciplinary research in fields related to sustainability. We particularly encourage early career professionals from low- and middle-income countries to apply.


We are looking for candidates who meet the following criteria:

  • In the early stages of your career, within the first ten years after obtaining your latest professional certificate or university degree (Bachelor, Master, PhD) or currently pursuing your studies
  • Have gained first experience in inter- or transdisciplinary research, ideally with one or several publications (as first author, co-author or contributing author)
  • Are working on a topic related to sustainability
  • Are highly motivated to attend the SRI2021 congress, and network with the other participants
  • An active role at SRI2021 (e.g. as a session organizer or speaker) is not a requirement but encouraged


You can submit your application, including your CV, through this form. The CV should not exceed two pages. The application deadline is 30/04/21.

Please contact Mrs. Mariela Antonakopoulou, mariela.antonakopoulou@futureearth.org for any inquiries.

Visit Future Earth to view the original announcement here

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