event 14 Sep 2021

Call for entires // Integrated Urban Services pilot city applications

The Pilot City application is open for the Integrated Urban Services (IUS) program under the U.S.- ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP). The IUS program will provide technical assistance to two ASEAN cities to aid them in implementing integrated WEF system pilot projects and share knowledge and lessons learned with the entire ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN) and other regional stakeholders on the benefits of building an integrated urban services sector. This initiative will help ASEAN cities build resilience in their EFW provision systems and lay the groundwork for innovative public-private partnerships in the region. Application deadline: October 25, 2021.

Integrated urban services istock 1145536473

Integrated urban services. istock-1145536473

IUS program overview

The goal of IUS is to help local city leaders, the private sector, financial institutions, and other stakeholders identify, design, and implement more integrated models of basic urban service provision that can sustainably secure energy, water, and food services, in a resource-efficient, environmentally friendly manner. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will provide technical assistance (TA) to two ASEAN cities, selected through the pilot city application process. The two selected cities will implement a pilot project over two years (2022-2023) where targeted TA, capacity building, and private sector engagement will be provided to catalyze investment and implementation of integrated EWF solutions. Learnings from cities will be shared in the network.

Why should you apply?

  • Targeted WEF solution for your city
  • Actionable steps after the assistance, leading to business plans for implementation
  • Future potential access to green climate funds to take the solutions to implementation

Application Instruction Steps for ASEAN City Representatives and Institutions

  1. Please review the Pilot City Application, 1-pager Summary, and the Guidance Document below. As your application is being prepared, please contact Parthiv Kurup or Jeffery Gingrich regarding transferring the subsidiary or supplemental documents.
  2. Before starting the full application, please indicate your interest in participating in the pilot program by providing a concise summary of your proposed project to Parthiv Kurup (parthiv.kurup@nrel.gov), by September 20, 2021. Include your expectations and outcomes from the proposed EWF pilot project. Examples may include, recovery and reuse of water, energy generation, creation of fertilizer, or others, and for what specific purposes. See the ‘Key question for consideration’ in the Application document.
  3. The IUS team will follow up with you to discuss your concept, answer questions, and guide the application development.

Key Dates

  • Pilot Project Application Webinar: September 27, 2021 | 6:00 PM MDT 2021: Join in to learn more about the benefits of being an IUS Pilot City, reviews, and criteria for selection.
  • Pilot Application Deadline: October 25, 2021

Stakeholders and Private Sector Partners

NREL wants to hear from organizations and institutions that are interested in sharing innovative nexus solutions with our pilot cities. Please reach out if you are interested in partnering with the IUS program to parthiv.kurup@nrel.gov, Joshua.sperling@nrel.gov, or jeffrey.gingrich@nrel.gov.

Application and selection process

Application Format

  • Editable PDF document including:
    Part 1: what types of needs/assistance will your project require
    Part 2: City background information on government and utility structures
  • Additional documentation that supports your application
    Organizational flow chart of the teams involved and who can make decisions
    City goals, plans, and projects where EWF interactions are occurring

How to apply

  1. Designate a Point of Contact for the pilot project and begin the Pilot City Application
  2. Attend application webinar on September 27th2021 MDT. Details to be finalized and sent through.
  3. Please reach out to Parthiv Kurup with questions prior to submitting your application, as we can help you understand what will make the potential project stronger.
  4. Complete and email the Pilot City Application to Parthiv.Kurup@nrel.gov by October 25, 2021.

Key selection criteria

See the Guidance Document below for the full list.

  • Active government, community, stakeholder and/or private support for the project. Solutions will be based upon commercially available options.
  • 1 application per city, led by the city representative (Point of Contact).


Guidance document

Pilot city application form

Summary of the application process

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