event 03 Aug 2022

Call for Articles // Technology Innovation and Analysis at the FEW Nexus: A Critical Pathway toward Sustainability

The Journal of Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability is calling for the submission of articles for the special issue on the topic of technology innovations and analysis at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus which advance sustainability and resilience. Submissions are accepted until 31 December 2022.



The Food-Energy-Water (FEW) nexus is seeing an explosion of new technologies, including smart technologies in agriculture and irrigation, waste minimization and valorization technologies, and interlinkages between the food-waste-water and energy systems.

These emerging FEW technologies may allow us to tackle several interlinked environmental challenges. For example, FEW technologies may have a role to play by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus combating climate change through carbon capture. Alternatively, FEW systems can balance water and nutrient flows, thus preventing eutrophication and loss of biodiversity.

Yet, the overall sustainability benefits of these FEW technologies are not well-understood because of complex linkages across sectors and scales. New biorefinery models, resource circularity models and analytic approaches are emerging to assess the environmental pollution and resource sustainability benefits of these new technologies. Also needed are decision-support frameworks for implementing FEW technologies that consider social, environmental, and economic aspects.

This special issue invites research articles on the broad topic of technology innovation and analysis at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus that advances sustainability and resilience. This broad topic can include (but are not limited to):

  • Basic technology development research
  • Applied technology development research
  • Methods for sustainability or resilience analysis
  • Life cycle assessment
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Technological readiness level of FEW technologies
  • Decision-support frameworks
  • Policy analysis

Guest Editors:

  • Frank Chaplen, Oregon State University, USA
  • Jennifer McConville, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
  • Kevin Orner, West Virginia University, USA
  • Anu Ramaswami, Princeton University, USA

Submission process

Focus issue articles are subject to the same review process and high standard as regular Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability (ERIS) articles.

Articles should be submitted using our online submission form. In Step 1, where the form asks if you would like your submission to be considered for inclusion within a focus issue, please select "Technology Innovation and Analysis at the FEW Nexus" in the drop down box.

Deadline for submissions

Submissions will be accepted until 31 December 2022 however submissions earlier than this date are encouraged.

Further Information

Please find further information on the IOP Science website

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