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Bulletin Politique // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources
Les outils d’alerte précoce ne cessent de s’améliorer dans leur capacité à prévoir les conflits liés aux ressources. Cependant, l’action préventive…
Policy Brief // From forecast to prevention: Acting on resource-related conflict risks
Early warning tools keep improving in their ability to predict resource-related conflict. However, preventive action on water, food and energy…
Research Article // A Nexus Approach for the MENA Region—From Concept to Knowledge to Action
By Holger Hoff and colleagues. The nexus approach has the potential to enhance human well-being, while reducing pressures on the environment and…
Report // UN-Water analytical brief - Water-use efficiency
Published by UN Water. Systems of water use are multi-purpose and multi-functional so that the often-complex cascade of use, consumption and re-use…
Report // Supporting transboundary water cooperation: Learning from water-stressed basins in West Africa
By Alfonso Medinilla and Katja Sergejeff. This paper builds on existing and new analysis on two transboundary basins, namely the Niger river and…
Report // Water and Climate Change: Stop Floating, Start Swimming: Water & Climate Change – Interlinkages & Prospects for future Action
Water and climate change are inextricably linked. As rising temperatures spur the hydrological cycle, climate change will affect water availability…
Report // Water – Energy Nexus in Europe
By Marko Adamovic, Bernard Bisselink, Matteo De Felice, Arie De Roo, Chiara Dorati, Daniele Ganora, Hrvoje Medarac, Alberto Pistocchi, Wouter Van De…
Report // Implementing the Water–Energy–Food–Ecosystems Nexus and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Edited by C. Carmona-Moreno; E. Crestaz; Y. Cimmarrusti; F. Farinosi; M. Biedler; A. Amani; A. Mishra; A. Carmona-Gutierrez. The book's primary…
Policy brief // An adaptive and context-driven approach to the water, energy and food nexus
By Alfonso Medinilla. This paper discusses the often difficult operationalisation of the water-food-energy nexus thinking, focusing particularly on…
Recording // Session #1 of the Webinar Series "Solutions Using Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approaches"
This is the recording of the first session of the 2nd Round of Webinar on Water-Energy-Food Nexus, focusing on NEXUS SOLUTIONS. It took place on…
Study // Making the Case: How Agrifood Firms are Building New Business Cases in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
By the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This study…
Publication // From dialogues to results: Recommendations for accelerating cross-sectoral SDG 6 implementation
Together with other UN member states, representatives of the UN Major Groups and international organisations, the Federal Ministry for the…
Project // Nexusing water, energy and food to increase resilience in the Cape Town metropolitan region
The project is part of the Merian Fund that encourages cooperation between Dutch and South Africa academic institutions and is funded by the NWO…
Tool // WEF Nexus Discovery Map
The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Discovery Map was developed by the Penn State WEF-Nexus strategic initiative program to aid in fostering…
Video // Webinar on Nexus Technical Solutions - Technical Solutions in the Mediterranean: Experience and Opportunities
Global Water Partnership–Mediterranean (GWP-Med), in partnership with the Secretariat of the Union of the Mediterranean (UfM) co-organised a Webinar…
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