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418 Resources
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event 07 Mar 2022

Case Study // Integrated MultiTrophic Aquaponics: A Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach for cycling plant nutrients and minimizing water consumption

By Nora Ibáñez Otazua and colleagues. This study aimed at evaluating the feasibility of combining Integrated MultiTrophic Acquaculture with…

event 08 Feb 2022

Video // Integrated Water Resources Management: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

This video presents a Zoom lecture on Integrated Water Resources Management and the relations between water, energy, and food resources.

event 06 Jan 2022

Recording // Global Summit Dialogue: Scaling a clean energy food transformation

This Summit Dialogue took place on April 20, 2021, with panelists Power For All, GACSA, Malabo Montpellier Panel, and Rockefeller Foundation.…

event 22 Dec 2021

Bulletin Politique // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources

Les outils d’alerte précoce ne cessent de s’améliorer dans leur capacité à prévoir les conflits liés aux ressources. Cependant, l’action préventive…

event 22 Dec 2021

Policy Brief // From forecast to prevention: Acting on resource-related conflict risks

Early warning tools keep improving in their ability to predict resource-related conflict. However, preventive action on water, food and energy…

event 07 Dec 2021

Research Article // A Nexus Approach for the MENA Region—From Concept to Knowledge to Action

By Holger Hoff and colleagues. The nexus approach has the potential to enhance human well-being, while reducing pressures on the environment and…

event 22 Nov 2021

Recording // Session #3 of the Webinar Series "Solutions Using Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approaches"

This is the recording of the third session of the 2nd Round of Webinar on Water-Energy-Food Nexus, focusing on NEXUS SOLUTIONS. It took place on…

event 22 Nov 2021

Recording // Water, climate, and borders - The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience at COP26

This is the recording of the session "Water, climate, and borders - The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience", that took place at…

event 11 Nov 2021

Video // SPIS Introduction: Benefits and Challenges

By Water and Energy for Food Grand Challenge (WE4F). This solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) tutorial video explores the importance of irrigation…

event 09 Nov 2021

Report // UN-Water analytical brief - Water-use efficiency

Published by UN Water. Systems of water use are multi-purpose and multi-functional so that the often-complex cascade of use, consumption and re-use…

event 08 Nov 2021

Report // Supporting transboundary water cooperation: Learning from water-stressed basins in West Africa

By Alfonso Medinilla and Katja Sergejeff. This paper builds on existing and new analysis on two transboundary basins, namely the Niger river and…

event 04 Nov 2021

Recording // Water Pavilion at COP26 - Day 3 Energy

This is the recording of the sessions that took place at the Water Pavilion at COP26 on Day 3. These sessions took place on November 3, 2021, and…

event 02 Nov 2021

Recording // EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021: Fully exploiting the water-energy nexus: Measuring energy savings & CO2 reduction

This is the recording of the session 'Fully exploiting the water-energy nexus: Measuring energy savings & CO2 reduction' that took place at the EU…

event 28 Oct 2021

Report // Water and Climate Change: Stop Floating, Start Swimming: Water & Climate Change – Interlinkages & Prospects for future Action

Water and climate change are inextricably linked. As rising temperatures spur the hydrological cycle, climate change will affect water availability…

event 28 Oct 2021

Film // Thirst for Power

This documentary is adapted from Dr. Michael E. Webber’s book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival. Combining anecdotes and personal…

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