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292 Resources
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event 08 Mar 2012

Policy Papers // Rio+20: Water Security for Growth and Sustainability

Water security for a green economy Institutional effectiveness Integrated approaches Leadership Future strategy

event 07 Mar 2012

Policy Papers // The missing link in sustainable development: A call to integrate population in the water, food, energy nexus

On 11-12 January, the World Economic Forum's Network of Global Agenda Councils and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) convened a group of…

event 03 Mar 2012

Initiative // Dams Initiative

Dams Blessing or curse? Over 48,000 large dams are in operation worldwide.

event 03 Mar 2012

Project // Thirsty Crops

Freshwater withdrawals have doubled every 30 years in last 100 years, about 4000 km^2 per year at present. In India 80% of the surface water is…

event 02 Mar 2012

Project // The Vertical Farm Project

event 27 Feb 2012

Bonn2011 Nexus Conference // Background Paper "Understanding the Nexus"

This paper is the scientific background paper of the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference. It explains the Nexus and presents initial evidence for how a nexus…

event 26 Sep 2011

In Preparation of Rio+20 // UNSGAB: Water and Sanitation: Underpinning the Pillars of Sustainable Development in the context of a Green Economy

Good management of water and sanitation is a precondition for sustainable development. It underpins the three pillars of sustainable development and…

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