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Transboundary Basins // Reconciling Resource Uses in Transboundary Basins: Assessment of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus
By UNECE. The nexus needs to be tackled in practice across diverse physical and political settings, including in the context of transboundary river…
Wastewater Systems and Energy Saving in Urban India: Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus series
By Babette Never. This paper analyses the interdependency of water and energy in India’s wastewater sector. Wastewater treatment plants consume a…
Research // Wastewater As a Resource: The Water-Waste-Energy Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
By Paul Gremillion and Tamara Avellán. A Nexus Approach centred on wastewater treatment and recovery can link cycles of water, waste, and energy.…
Session Video // "Energy, water and food must be looked at holistically, not in isolation"
A recording of a session on the energy-water-food nexus at the 23rd World Energy Congress 2016 in Istanbul
Policy Brief // Informing national and global responses to shocks to the energy-food-water-environment nexus
This paper by Living With Environmental Change UK (LWEC) asks: "What challenges and opportunities do decision makers need to be aware of in order to…
MIT Technology Review // To Make Fresh Water without Warming the Planet, Countries Eye Solar Power
By Richard Martin. Solar-powered desalination is ideal—if only the cost comes down.
Policy Brief // Assessing Policy Coherence in Brazil, Colombia and Peru using a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach
By David Sabogal, Helen Bellfield and Simone Bauch. The Amazonia Security Agenda focuses not only on national security in a traditional sense, but…
Policy Brief // Economic Growth and Resource Use: Exploring the Links
By Janez Sušnik (UNESCO-IHE). This policy brief aims at exploring the relationship between GDP and GDP-per-capita with the resource metrics and…
Water-energy nexus // A low-carbon future means water security in Texas
In August of 2015, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made history by finalizing the Clean Power Plan, which establishes the first-ever limits on…
Publication // Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy & Food Nexus
Renewable energy technologies could address some of the trade-offs between water, energy and food, bringing substantial benefits in all three…
Solar Water Pumping // Solar Pumping for Irrigation: Improving Livelihoods and Sustainability
Irrigation improves yields, reduces vulnerability to changing rainfall patterns, and enables multiple cropping practices. This can stimulate…
Policy Paper // Delivering on the Promise: In-country multi-stakeholder platforms to catalyse collaboration and partnerships for Agenda 2030
As the implementation of Agenda 2030 gets under way, this paper, co-authored by World Vision and The Partnering Initiative, takes a view of the…
The Nexus in the Arab Region Policy Brief // Nexus Technology and Innovation Case Studies
The WEF Nexus in the Arab Region Series is published by the League of Arab States (LAS), with technical and financial support from the Deutsche…
The Nexus in the Arab Region Policy Brief // Nexus Capacity Development Needs
The WEF Nexus in the Arab Region Series is published by the League of Arab States (LAS), with technical and financial support from the Deutsche…
The Nexus in the Arab Region Policy Brief // Nexus Governance and the Role of Institutions
The WEF Nexus in the Arab Region Series is published by the League of Arab States (LAS), with technical and financial support from the Deutsche…
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