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Case Study // Modeling the water-energy nexus: how do water constraints affect energy planning in South Africa?
By the World Bank. This research focuses on incorporating a representation of water supply and infrastructure costs into an energy systems model…
Policy Brief // The Climate-Energy Nexus and the G20: Compatible or mutually exclusive?
By Lina Li, Julia Melnikova and Dennis Tänzler from adelphi. The article outlines the current and the future role of the climate-energy nexus in the…
Policy Brief // Achieving Water, Energy and Food Security in Indonesia
By Helen Bellfield, David Sabogal, Jeni Pareira, Adi Gangga and Matt Leggett. This report analyses policy coherence and trade-offs in Indonesia’s…
Case Study // Del Monte Philippines harvests energy from food process water
A waste-to-energy project undertaken by the world's largest integrated pineapple operation, Del Monte Philippines Inc. (DMPI), has exceeded even the…
Water-Energy Nexus // The fight for water in Kenya
Report by Deutsche Welle. Hydropower plants are causing parts of Kenya's Tana River to dry up. Scientists are trying to ensure there's enough water…
Report // Energy Water Nexus (EWN) Strategic Roadmap
The EWN roadmap focuses on the interdependency between energy and water and identified opportunities for the Midwest region, M-WERC, The Water…
Governance // Natural Resource Governance at Multiple Scales in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
By Susan Sellars-Shrestha, Amy Sellmyer and Christopher. Human efforts to address poverty, enhance welfare, and conserve natural resources and the…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // David Norman, SAB Miller
Interview with David Norman, Senior Manager for Sustainable Development Management, in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar: "Understanding the…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // Prof. Alan Matthews, Trinity College Dublin
Interview with Alan Matthews, professor em. for agricultural economics at Trinity College Dublin , in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar:…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // Karl Falkenberg, European Commission
Interview with Karl Falkenberg, Director General at the DG Environment at the European Commission, in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar:…
Transboundary Rivers // The Rise of Hydro-Diplomacy: Strengthening Foreign Policy for Transboundary Waters
By Benjamin Pohl, Carius Alexander et al. This report calls on foreign policy makers to exert stronger political leadership in water diplomacy and to…
Final Report EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Water and Agriculture
This report presents the results of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on “Water & Agriculture: adaptive strategies at farm level”. Water is an essential…
Basin Governance // Governance Structures for Transboundary Water Management in the Jordan Basin
By Elizabeth Yaari, Marian Neal and Zaki Shubber. This report is produced to support EcoPeace Middle East and other users including riparian…
Video // "Human Water Cycle: Water, Food, & Energy"
Our increasing need for the three vital resources water, food and energy is forcing us to rethink how we manage and use our water supply. The…
Transboundary Basins // Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Sava River Basin
By UNECE. The Sava nexus assessment identifies a number of benefits both related to and independent of economic activities that are generated by…
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