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420 Resources
15 of 28 pages
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event 15 Jun 2017

Advancing the Energy-Water Nexus // How Governors Can Bridge Their Conservation Goals

To lower the cost and environmental impact of electricity, states will want to manage water resources with as little energy consumption as possible.…

event 13 Jun 2017

Coping with Water Scarcity under Changing Climate Conditions // Best Practices and Innovations on Trial

A collection of 15 case studies from the MENA region by GIZ and the Mediterranean Environmental Network (MEN), based either on their success – then…

event 12 Jun 2017

SDGs // Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Development Goals Planning: The Case of Goal 6 on Water and Sanitation

This publication highlights how the systems thinking approach applied by ESCAP complements tools created by experts as the most comprehensive method…

event 30 May 2017

UN Freshwater Strategy 2017-2021

By UNEP. Building on its mandate and work towards helping countries develop peacefully, equitably and sustainably while protecting and restoring…

event 24 May 2017

Policy Brief // Enhancing regional cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa through the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus

By Rana El Hajj, Nadim Farajalla, Tessa Terpstra andv Anders Jägerskog. Water, energy and food resources in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)…

event 12 May 2017

Case Study // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Challenges for the Chilean agriculture

By Rike Becker and Laura Margarete Simon. Chile is a long narrow strip of land squeezed between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, with a…

event 09 May 2017

Forthcoming // The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

This book argues that a variety of policies will be required to create synergies between the water-energy-food nexus sectors while reducing…

event 08 May 2017

Nexus Outlook Report // A Collection of Nexus Case Studies from Latin America, Africa and Asia

TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences has issued a report illustratively highlighting resource use challenges across many case studies. The report…

event 04 May 2017

MENA // Food and Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa

By NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA), ed. by Osman Askin Bak. For many years, the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the NATO PA has underlined…

event 28 Apr 2017

Regional Nexus Dialogues // National Cases in Latin America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica and Brazil

An overview of nexus case studies, presented on occasion of the first Executive Committee Meeting of the Regional Nexus Dialogue in Latin America and…

event 07 Apr 2017

Latin America // El Nexo entre el agua, la energía y la alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe: planificación, marco normativo e identificación de interconexiones prioritarias

Por Antonio Embid y Liber Martín/Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe. Este documento analiza el Nexo entre agua, energía y…

event 23 Mar 2017

Video Lecture // The "perfect storm revisited": food, energy and water security in the context of climate change

Some five years ago Sir John Beddington, Senior Adviser at the Oxford Martin School, raised the concept of "The Perfect Storm" in which the issues of…

event 14 Mar 2017

The Energy-Water-Food Nexus and Climate Change: Implications for Policy-making, Research, and Business

By Mohamed Behnassi. Energy, water and food resource systems are critically inter depended. Energy is needed to produce food and to treat and move…

event 13 Mar 2017

Case Study // Modeling the water-energy nexus: how do water constraints affect energy planning in South Africa?

By the World Bank. This research focuses on incorporating a representation of water supply and infrastructure costs into an energy systems model…

event 09 Mar 2017

Policy Brief // The Climate-Energy Nexus and the G20: Compatible or mutually exclusive?

By Lina Li, Julia Melnikova and Dennis Tänzler from adelphi. The article outlines the current and the future role of the climate-energy nexus in the…

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