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UN ESCWA // The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region
Constructing an analytical framework for examining the water-energy-food (WEF) security nexus in the Arab region requires a common vision based on…
Report and Policy Brief // Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The Costs of Inaction and Benefits of Water Cooperation
By Benjamin Pohl, Annika Kramer, William Hull, Sabine Blumstein (adelphi), Iskandar Abdullaev, Jusipbek Kazbekov, Tais Reznikova, Ekaterina…
El Nexo entre el agua, la energía y la alimentación en Costa Rica // El caso de la cuenca alta del río Reventazón
Por Maureen Ballestero Vargas y Tania López Lee. Este documento analiza el Nexo entre el agua, la energía y la alimentación en la cuenca del río…
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Costa Rica // The Case of the Upper Reventazón River Basin (Spanish)
By Maureen Ballestero Vargas and Tania López Lee. This document analyzes the Nexus between water, energy and food in the Reventazón river basin in…
Nexus & Hydro // Impacts of Climate Change, Policy and Water-Energy-Food Nexus on Hydropower Development
By X. Zhang, H.-Y. Li, Z.D. Deng, C. Ringler, Y. Gao, M. Hejazi and L.R. Leung. This article provides a systematic review of the impacts from policy,…
Water-Energy Nexus // Quantifying Water and Energy Linkages in Irrigation: Experiences From Viet Nam
There is a need to better understand the feasibility of and incentives for farmers for adopting High-efficiency Irrigation Systems (HEIS) such as…
Policy Brief // The Natural Resources and Security Nexus
By Yulia Aleshchenkova, Alberto Pallecchi, Kitty van der Heijden and Tim Sweijs. This Issue Brief summarizes the key takeaways of a meeting of a…
Water-Energy Nexus // Examples of Positive Bioenergy and Water Relationships
By IEA Bioenergy and Global Bioenergy Partnership. The 20 examples presented in this publication illustrate an encouraging variety both in terms of…
Research // Assessment of the Successes and Failures of Decentralized Energy Solutions and Implications for the Water–Energy–Food Security Nexus: Case Studies from Developing Countries
By Dawit Diriba Guta, Jose Jara, Narayan Prasad Adhikari, Qiu Chen, Varun Gaur and Alisher Mirzabaev. Access to reliable and affordable energy is…
Working Paper // Making governance work for water-energy-food nexus approaches
This CDKN working paper by Andrew Scott of the Overseas Development Institute explores the effectiveness of governing for the “water-energy-food…
WaCClim Case Study // Water-Energy-Climate Nexus in Peru
Peru is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. A low-lying coastal area, with vast arid and semi-arid lands, much of Peru is…
WaCClim Case Study // Water-Energy-Climate Nexus in Jordan
Jordan is the world ́s second most water-scarce country. Energy consumption accounts for around 73 percent of Jordan’s national emissions and 15 % of…
WaCClim Case Study // Water-Energy-Climate Nexus in Thailand
Located in one of the regions most vulnerable to the impact of global warming, Thailand has established policies, action plans and climate change…
WaCClim Case Study // Water-Energy-Climate Nexus in Mexico
In Mexico, water utilities have a difficult task meeting user’s demands. Low tariffs, high water consumption, and a complicated legal framework have…
Hydropower // Addressing Climate Vulnerability for Power System Resilience and Energy Security - A Focus on Hydropower Resources
By Molly Hellmuth, Pamela Cookson and Joanne Potter, ICF/USAid. Hydropower is always at the heart of the Nexus. This paper aims to inform energy…
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